20130213-2nd Meeting Invitation

RSVP for the 2nd meeting of Ann Arbor Video Interest Group (A2VIG) Wed Feb 13, 2013

Reply Y N or Maybe so we can determine whether our venue is large enough

(Reply "Remove" to stop future emails from this group)

When Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:30pm – 8:00pm Eastern Time

Where (Tentative location) Pizza Pino, 221 West Liberty Street, Ann Arbor http://goo.gl/maps/iQ56O

Note: After 6pm, you can park free in the surface lot on First & William, right behind Pizza Pino http://goo.gl/maps/n3San

Ann Arbor Video Interest Group (A2VIG) (new official name)

www.a2vig.org (click Members to join group, click Archives to view previous discussions)

aavigr@gmail.com (use this for inquiries, questions, etc.)

#a2vig (use this hashtag when tweeting about the group)

Subscribe to A2VIG Calendar: https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/a2vigr%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics

A2VIG-Ann Arbor Video Interest Group

Typical Agenda

[existing member check-in/new member sign-in]

[Name tags]

[pre-meeting networking, food, drinks]

Welcome - what the group is

New attendee introductions - who you are, what you do, video connection

Featured Presentation(s)


General Q&A

what’s new video-wise?

video term(s)/abbrev(s) of the week (add to wiki glossary)

how to do something of the week... (add to how-to wiki)

supply sources (add to wiki)

project issues

Gigs needing our resources

Other events/announcements/asks

[post-meeting networking, food, drinks]