12/10/2014 A2VIG Meeting

Post date: Nov 21, 2014 8:49:59 PM

Ann Arbor Video Interest Group (A2VIG)

for anyone interested in video in any way

How to join...

Website: www.a2vig.org

Email: a2vigr@gmail.com (for any questions, inquiries, etc.)

Google+ Community (for A2VIG members only to share among themselves)

Google Group (A2VIG Google Group that anyone can join - a moderated forum for public sharing... classifieds, gig requests, Q&A, etc. Anyone can email video-related requests to a2vig@googlegroups.com)

Twitter: #a2vig (use this when tweeting about the group)

Subscribe to A2VIG Calendar: https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/a2vigr%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics

Next A2VIG Meeting/Holiday Party: 6:30-8:30 pm, Wednesday, December 10, 2014


The Sports Bar Westside

5510 Jackson Rd (at Zeeb)

Ann Arbor, MI 48103 [map]

Agenda for the meeting:

  • Open networking + Holiday Party

  • Bring your favorite project for "Show & Tell" [contact Scott Nadeau beforehand or at the meeting if you have something to show]

  • Event announcements / prep for next meeting

RSVP here so we know how to arrange the seating.

Here's the RSVP list of those who have already responded.

We're lining up keynote speakers & topics for 2015 A2VIG meetings. Submit your suggestions here.