3/12/2014 A2VIG

Post date: Mar 13, 2014 5:08:57 AM

Ann Arbor Video Interest Group (A2VIG)

for anyone interested in video in any way

How to join...

Website: www.a2vig.org (points to this website, currently: https://sites.google.com/site/a2vigr/ )

Email: a2vigr@gmail.com (for any questions, inquiries, etc.)

Google+ Community (for A2VIG members only to share among themselves)

Google Group (A2VIG Google Group that anyone can join - a moderated forum for public sharing... classifieds, gig requests, Q&A, etc. Anyone can email video-related requests to a2vig@googlegroups.com)

Google+ Page (A2VIG news posts? [future])

Twitter: #a2vig (use this when tweeting about the group)

Subscribe to A2VIG Calendar: https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/a2vigr%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics

Next A2VIG Meeting: 6:30-8:00 pm, Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Location: Cubs' A.C. Sports Bar & Restaurant, 1950 S Industrial Hwy, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 [map]

The meeting room is behind the bar area... you can also enter left through the bowling alley. Food and beverage service available from Cubs' menu.

Agenda for the meeting:

  • Open networking (15-20 min) + food/drink

  • Intros/News/Announcements (1-min each; 15 min total)

  • Seeking video help/resources? "asks" (10 min)

  • Feature presentation (20 min)

    • Guest speaker will be Christopher Barbeau who is a local stunt coordinator. Christopher has worked on a number of films shot locally as well as coordinating stunts and related-activities for various live theatrical shows. His work covers theatrical combat including swords and martial arts plus work with whips, high falls, wire work, fire stunts and a whole slew of other interesting activities.

  • Fine cut for feedback (15 min) ("show & tell")

  • Event announcements / prep for next meeting (5 min)

  • More networking

RSVP here so we know how to arrange the seating.

Here's the list of those who have already RSVPed... goo.gl/gZe1g

We're always looking for keynote speakers & topics for future A2VIG meetings. Sign up here.