New Location for Feb 13 A2VIG Meeting

Post date: Feb 8, 2013 10:15:22 PM

Ann Arbor Video Interest Group (A2VIG)

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Next A2VIG Meeting: 6:30-8:00pm, Wednesday, February 13, 2013

New Locartion: Cubs' A.C. Sports Bar & Restaurant, 1950 S Industrial Hwy, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 []

Based on the attendance responses received so far, we've moved the Feb 13 meeting to the larger venue at Cubs' A.C.

Our meeting room is behind the bar area... you can also enter left through the bowling alley. Food and beverage service available from Cubs' menu.

If you haven't already responded, please use this form to RSVP for the Feb 13 A2VIG meeting so we can set up the room seating accordingly.

Here's the list of those of you who have already responded...

Everyone bring something to share... an idea, technique, product, need, whatever.

These 3-5 minute "Show & Tell's" will be the Featured Presentations portion of our typical agenda until we line up keynote speakers.

The room has a projector and screen and we'll have a laptop PC for members to use or you can bring your own.

If you bring a Mac, be sure to have a VGA adapter.