Ann Arbor Video Interest Group (A2VIG)
for anyone interested in video in any way
Next A2VIG Meeting: 7:00-8:30 pm, Monday, October 11, 2021
Location: Zoom meeting (Zoom link will be sent out a few hours before the 7:00 pm meeting to those that RSVP )
Agenda for the meeting:
7:00 - Welcome & Introductions
Introduce yourself
Share what's happened to you since the last meeting
7:15 - Topic - Bob Heil - Audio Engineer
Our guest speaker Monday, Oct. 11 will be Bob Heil, a veteran audio engineer who worked with legendary rock musicians in the sixties and seventies. He developed a quadraphonic arena PA system for The Who and designed microphones with Joe Walsh in California.
Heil Sound is Bob's company, started 55 years ago now based in St. Louis, MO.
Since Feb. 2020, Bob has given 200+ Zoom talks to groups around the world.
Monday night he will start off talking about audio technology, human hearing, and how we listen.
9:00 - Video "Asks"
Open forum for those seeking help, resources, and advice for video projects, business grants & loans, etc.
9:10 - Show and Tell - Videos created by and/or starring our members
Submit requests to show videos (shorter than 5 minutes) to scott@videoandinternetstuff.com.
9:25 - Next meeting info & adjournment
RSVP here so we can gauge attendance
Here's the RSVP list of those who have already responded.
We're always lining up keynote speakers & topics for future A2VIG meetings.
Submit your suggestions here.
Future A2VIG Meetings : Monday, November 8, 2021 7:00-9:00 pm
Do you provide video or related services?
...become a member...
Fill out this Member Info Form
Come to an A2VIG meeting (see above)