08/08/2018 A2VIG
Post date: Aug 14, 2018 8:47:06 PM
Next A2VIG Meeting: 6:30-8:30 pm, Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Agenda for the meeting:
Open networking
Seeking video help/resources? "asks" [you can also submit "asks" here]
Discussion of topics for this or future meetings
best practices when using gimbals/image stabilization (Eric Helber)
drone fly-in (Bill Hall) [would require a venue change]
video editing with OpenShot and KDEnlive (Clif Flynt)
group garage sale (Shannon Kohlitz)
service fees
Event announcements
More networking
RSVP here so we know how to arrange the seating.
Here's the RSVP list of those who have already responded.
We're lining up keynote speakers & topics for future A2VIG meetings. Submit your suggestions here.
Do you provide video or related services?
...become a member...
Fill out this Member Info Form
Come to an A2VIG meeting (see above)