early college credit program

Early College Credit Program

The Early College Credit Program allows students to enroll in a college course specific to an area of study that is not offered at SHS. The application process is highlighted below. Contact your child's counselor for more information. 

Early College Credit Application Process

  1.    Get an application in Student Support Services, or download it here.

  2.    Research the course name and number on the university’s website. Provide the course or the alternative course(s) into the application, and complete the application including BOTH parent and student signatures.

  3.    Submit your Early College Credit Application to your counselor on or before March 1st for Fall semester courses and October 1st for Spring semester courses. A letter will be mailed to the home address that is indicated in the SHS Infinite Campus database. The letter will indicate if you have been approved or denied by the school board. If approved, you should then apply directly to the university. SHS will automatically send your SHS transcripts to the university.

  4.    After being accepted by the university, you should then set up an appointment with the Early College Credit Program Coordinator (Jordan Kellogg, kellogg3@uwm.edu) at the university to schedule your course. If you have taken an AP exam in the subject area of the course you are taking at the university, you should schedule your appointment for a time after your AP Exam is scored.

  5.    After that appointment with the Early College Credit coordinator, you should email your SHS School Counselor with the name, date, and times of the course(s) that you are enrolling in. If you have been given two different offerings, please indicate that, and your counselor will try and arrange your SHS schedule in a way that helps accommodate your being off campus at that time. Include in your email: Your first and last name, a phone number, and the best times to reach you. We will try contacting you to help prioritize the schedules. You might need to make some difficult decisions about which courses to choose, because you cannot be scheduled to be in two places at one time. Many of the SHS upper-level courses and music electives have only one section, so a time conflict could easily arise. Counselors and teachers will do our best to accommodate your schedule, and help you take advantage of this learning opportunity.

 6.    If you plan to take additional Early College Credit courses in future semesters, you need to submit a Early College Credit Application to your counselor for each semester that you plan on taking a course (Deadlines = 3/1 & 10/1). You only need to apply to the university one time, during the initial application.