
Homework notices are found on the SchoolZone Homework menu option. In the Calendar, dates with a blue background indicate there are homework assignments for that day in SchoolZone. Calendar dates with a orange background indicate that there is homework assignments for that day in Google Classroom. Clicking on any day in the calendar produces a list of all current assignments. Homework items can be entered by the Teacher for each of their classes, including their homeroom class. Homework will appear in the Students "Homework" menu option for the time period the Teacher specifies.

(NOTE: Email notifications will be sent only for SchoolZone assigned items. Google assigned items notifications may be sent directly through Google Classroom)


Homework can be viewed by following these steps:

  1. Select the Homework menu option

  2. Select a month that you would like to view homework for

  3. The default calendar is for the current month, you can use the back arrows to view the previous months or the forward arrow to view the next month, if desired

  4. You can switch between three different viewing options of the calendar (month, list or full width)

  5. To view information about the homework item you can click on the title of the homework (shown in blue) listed in the agenda view on the right side of the calendar.