5th scientific high school SA

mod. 1

Introduction to MySQL and to relational database

Lesson plan


Recipient : 5th scientific high school SA

Date: feb – may 2016

Discipline: Computer Science

Duration: 7 hours


  • Computer Science: Information systems and computer systems; Organization of resources and processes; Introduction to databases.
  • English Language: Knowledge of grammatical and lexical structures needed for an oral and written understanding of one computer-specific topic. Capacity of address simple conversations by expressing own point of view (B1/B2)
Introduction to MySQL and to relational database-lessonplan.pdf

lesson 1 - Module 1

Teacher introduces the topic by presenting its general characteristics and contributes to the progressive construction of the meaning of specific terms and fundamental concepts (enable subtitles on video).

lesson 2 - module 1

Teacher explains how to extract subtitles in text format from the video.

Students extract the text from the video and save it in word format. Next, they add the punctuation by helping with the video view.

lesson 3 - module 1

Game time! Searchwords explanation.


lesson 4 - module 1

Students create a document containg a glossary from words found on puzzle


lesson 5 - module 1

At the end, students produce a powerpoint presentation.

Introduction to MySQL and to relational database.pptx

mod. 2

Data Security and Ethical Hacking

Lesson plan


Recipient : 5th scientific high school SA

Date: feb – may 2016

Discipline: Computer Science

Duration: 7 hours


  • Computer Science: Information systems and computer systems; Basic knowledge of SQL language.
  • English Language: Knowledge of grammatical and lexical structures needed for an oral and written understanding of one computer-specific topic. Capacity of address simple conversations by expressing own point of view (B1/B2)
Data Security and Ethical Hacking-lessonplan.pdf

lesson 1 - Module 2

Teacher introduces the topic by presenting its general characteristics and contributes to the progressive construction of the meaning of specific terms and fundamental concepts (enable subtitles on video).

Data Security and Ethical Hacking.mp4

lesson 2 - module 2

Teacher explains how to extract subtitles in text format from the video.

Students extract the text from the video and save it in word format. Next, they add the punctuation by helping with the video view.

lesson 3 - module 2

Game time! Searchwords explanation.


lesson 4- module 2

Working in groups: students prepare a document containing a glossary with terms and definitions taken from the crossword completed in the previous lesson.

Working in pairs: each student asks for the definition from the term or asks the term from the definition.


lesson 5 - module 2

Working in groups: simulation of a sql injection attack online. In this interactive tutorial you will understand how SQL injection attacks are used to compromise the security of a web application, and how to write code more securely to protect against this type of attack.

lesson 6 - module 2

Working in groups: the students produce a presentation containing a summary of the subject, highlighting the glossary words

Data Security and Ethical Hacking.pptx

lesson 7 - module 2

Working in groups: each group will present their Powerpoint work in the classroom lim.