ISIS di Setificio Paolo Carcano - COMO

Tecnico - Indirizzo Chimica e Materiali


SUBJECT: Chemistry

TOPIC: Dyeing Process of textiles and Dyeing Machines

TIME REQUESTED to implement this activity in class: 1-2 hours

I wanted just to introduce this useful activity for chemists because they often go to learn how to work in dyeing firms. This topic isn’t included in the IGCSE Syllabus of Chemistry because it’s a very specific topic related to a particular industry (fashion-textile).

This lesson highlights the basic dyeing terms which are often used in dyeing process. This lesson aims to provide authentic knowledge in textile field in a scientific manner because most of the students have misunderstanding regarding basic dyeing terms in English. Is appropriate for a CLIL lesson because most of English teachers don’t have experience in this field, while, because of globalization, it’s more and more important to communicate in English with commercial partners (application to real working life).

At the end of this lesson students will be able to communicate technical information to their colleagues, clients or suppliers during their working career in the textile industry.

Students can revisit key concepts about textiles fibers (learned in organic chemistry) in order to better understand how can dyes fix on them and can refresh key concepts about working machines (industrial technologies).



TOPIC: Near InfraRed Spectroscopy (NIRS), an advanced analytical technique

TIME REQUESTED to implement this activity in class: 11 hours

This analytical is technique similar to the more famous Medium InfraRed Spectroscopy (MIRS) and is used to solve several quality control problems (real working life).

This topic isn’t included in the IGCSE Syllabus of Chemistry because it’s a very specific topic corresponding to a high level of knowledge of chemistry. We can find something similar in the Cambridge International A Level Syllabus of Chemistry. In fact this topic is treated in the course of Analytical Chemistry during the last year, for students who want to become chemists.

Students studied MIRS during the previous year in Italian, so they already know the general concepts and key words of infrared spectroscopy in Italian. This topic requires quite simple common language but some specific terminology, that is introduced gradually.

In this way students can revisit key concepts of infrared spectroscopy and also principles behind MIRS in order to better understand this more recent technique.
