YNot! Engage Your Colleagues

We did it! We stuffed our faces and minds at YNot Pizza for our first Faculty Learning Community get-together off-campus. I LOVE this informal way of learning FROM my colleagues. It is the BEST because not only do we get to eat and socialize, we share experiences with classroom strategies (good and bad)!  Our theme for this year is ENGAGEMENT, and guess what?!! Not only is the way we've planned our FLCs engaging, but the strategies that we are implementing in our classes are engaging!  
We sat outside and enjoyed the B-E-A-U-tiful fall weather and chit-chatted about random stuff, including family, traveling, and students! The food was timely and absolutely scrumptious! I devoured my chicken parm sub, and Linda's Tuscan Beef looked divine! The salads appeared fresh and no one had any trouble cleaning their plates! 
Our featured presentation of the evening was shared by Linda B. and it consisted of elements of an "Escape Room" that she presented to her students that revolved around the cellular elements of blood. The end goal for each team was to finish all of the challenges first! Each team started at a different challenge and hurried through to get to the next one. Challenges ranged from multiple-choice quizzes to tactile activities like rearranging cards to match concepts. Once a team believed they completed the challenge, their work was checked. If anything was incorrect or incomplete, the team was instructed to use the table of reference materials at the back of the room to correct their challenge. Of course, like any lesson that is tried for the first time, some things don't work well and have to be revamped for the next time! One of the challenges was time-consuming to "check", so Linda won't be using that particular challenge again! 
See the images and overview of the strategy below!
Clotting Cascade - "Escape Room" Activity - Linda Blais - Fall 2019 (She implemented this the VERY FIRST DAY OF CLASS!!!)Students worked in teams through different challenges to "Escape" to the next challenge. These challenges consisted of varying activities, including a multiple-choice quiz, a matching activity, and an ordering activity. Teams had to get their challenges checked and were sent to the reference material table if their challenge was incorrect! These activities met the weekly learning objectives listed below. 
Students were able to:
1. Describe the general structure of the cardiovascular system2. Describe the constituents of blood3. Explain the functions of the cellular elements of blood4. List the steps in the clotting cascade