Physics 11
Physics 11
Physics is considered to be a major branch of science. Physics is used in astronomy, engineering, particle labs, sports, forensics, race car driving, trades, art, hugs… everywhere! It is one of the awesome sciences that you can learn from because it helps you look at the world differently and it allows you to appreciate how things work.
You will need to be highly motivated and devoted right from the outset if you are to succeed in this class. If you are not prepared to work in this class, you will have a very difficult time with physics as it is both an academic and creative (yup, creative) course. You can do really well in this course, should you choose to approach it in the best way!
I am always here to help, so come and ask questions either in or out’a class! You owe it to yourself to ensure success!
Show your parents and check your Google Classroom regularly! Also, ensure your " e-mail automatically forwards notices to your personal/main e-mail!
It's actually an oven. Still funny tho!
Sites Aimed to Help Students
The Physics Classroom (amazing)
College Physics Textbook (amazing)
New: The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol 1 (just for interest)
PhET - excellent Java animations, such as:
Lunar Lander (for fun!)
The Elegant Universe Parts 1-3
Science Podcast
StarTalk Radio by Neil deGrass Tyson (the awesome astrophysicist). Check out a great podcast with him clicking here.
A Bunch of Great Stuff
Physics Sir Isaac Newton Nicolaus Copernicus
Galileo Galilei Albert Einstein Richard Feynman
The learning outcomes for Physics 11 will be covered under the following seven sections:
1. Physics & Science Introduction
Introduction to what science is & the relationship of Science, Technology & Society
The essentials: Algebra, SI, Unit Conversions, Sig Figs, Density… problem solving.
2. Kinematics
Displacement and Velocity in One Dimension
Acceleration in One Dimension
Projectile Motion
3. Dynamics in One Dimension
Force of Gravity
Force of Friction
Elastic Forces
Newton's Laws
4. Momentum in One Dimension
Conservation of Momentum
5. Work Power & Energy
Work and Energy
Law of Conservation of Energy
Power and Efficiency
6. Wave Motion and Geometrical Optics
Wave Properties of Light
Reflection of Light
Refraction of Light
7. Nuclear Fission and Fusion
8. Special Relativity
Richard Feynman - is a famous physicist.
He says ya got to do it to know it!
I first learned about Richard in a crazy way - he had an interest in throat singing and he was in this movie Genghis Blues.