Cell phones+

Why We Created a "Policy"

Cell phones are changing the world and impact the way we interact with each other. You know this, though, don't you. Scared, sort'a, of the truth? Don't be. Empower yourself

The simple question is, if you dig deep, ask yourself: are there times where your phone isn't giving you what you need. Is it an excuse not to talk to the person beside you. Do you have apps that simply steal time your... cause endless scrolling, or searching for really unhealthy connection or moments out of your life. Does it get in the way of important relationships. Do you make the excuse to use the washroom, because of a text from others to meet or simply to now text others when you're out of the classroom.

Cell phones can be amazing in some areas, though, and we recognize that. However, our school policy below is driven simply to create for you and everyone here to have a healthy relationship with technology and for it not to control you and negatively impact your studies 

The Staff at Mt. Doug truly wants you to thrive, have discipline, stay focused and simply have FUN under this roof we share together! We sincerely care about each and everyone of you and we want YOU to simply be present and be fully in the moment in class (and not be stuck behind a screen). We are here to have healthy discussions and help you, to grow, learn, and be with us. 

We're here. We care. Please ensure you are familiar with our cell phone policy at the bottom of this page. 

The Social Dilemma!

Check it! You can watch the Movie by Clicking Here!

Also, check out: 


Students please click here!  

Parents, this link, is the one for you! :-) 

Learn amazing tips, tricks, resources and helpful FREE information through the two links above! 

Most of the information you'll find is through the Center for Humane Technology. Visit their website for some outstanding solutions, guidance and the science behind it all. They are also the ones that spearheaded The Social Dilemma. 


Unless given permission by the classroom teacher (digital devices may be used in class by students at the teacher’s discretion), the student code of conduct requires that all students keep their cell phones/electronic devices turned off and stored in a backpack or purse during instructional time.

Students who choose not to abide by this rule can expect the following series of consequences to be enforced:

1. The first time a student uses his/her cell phone/electronic device during class time, the teacher will contact the parents with a reminder of the school’s policy and a request that they discuss with their child the importance of keeping his/her phone/device off and away.

2. The second time a student uses his/her cell phone/electronic device during class time, the teacher will confiscate the device and the student will collect it from the office at the end of the day.

3. The third time a student uses his/her cell phone/electronic device during class time, the student and his/her parents will be asked to contact an administrator/counsellor to work out a solution for the continued misuse.

For the full policy above, click here!  It's simple! Be good and be kind, to others but especially to yourself.