Unit 5, Week 1
Unit 5 Overview
Unit 5 Fluency Work Decodable Passages
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The first 6 pages can be run double-sided for record-keeping. The last 5 pages have the practice words at the top, and the story is larger text, for the students to read from.
Here is the entire S&S.
Unit 5 Week 1
While the definition of a citizen may be "a person who legally belongs to a country and has the rights and protection of that country," I will strive to help children understand that we are citizens in our school... in our community... in our state... in our nation... but, most importantly, we are all citizens of our planet Earth!
- Strategy: Summarize
D5 Resource page: Ready Reference Guide, Parent Letter, Bookmark, Assessment
- Skill: Point of View
D5 Resource page: Ready Reference Guide, Parent Letter, Bookmark, Assessment
Diphthongs ow, ou
Irregular Plurals
Pronouns: Seesaw self-checking activity here
Quotation Marks
Suffixes: -ful, -less
Monday Seesaw: List 1, List 2, List 3, List 4
Friday Seesaw Spelling Tests:
List 1, List 2, List 3, List 4, ALL lists in one activity
Spelling Boxes (all levels) pdf
ALL Unit 5 Spelling Test Self-Correct papers in one pdf
Spelling Graphs for Data Binders
(click Use Template)
A Difficult Decision - Realistic Fiction R/W pp. 334-337
Grace for President - Realistic Fiction Anthology pp. 388-407
Helping to Make Smiles - Narrative Nonfiction Anthology pp. 410-411
🥰YouTube about Ryan Hreljac's well project (5 minutes - great for kids *tissues needed*)
🥰Return to Ryan's Well YouTube
(30 minutes This takes us through his revisiting of communities where his wells have contributed to positive social and economic change. His original well was destroyed by rebels, but has since been replaced. He has started creating latrines, also. The positive effect, especially on the girls and women of these communities, is tearfully amazing!)MNN article: 🥰8 People Who Changed the World as Kids (with Ryan)
Kids Discover Online: Tiny Heroes
School House Rock Pronoun song - SafeShare
The Water Princess - illustrated by Peter Reynolds, tells the story of Georgie Badiel and many other children in Burkina Faso, Africa, having to walk most of the day to get water for their families. Here is her foundation which built wells to provide water to 300,000 people in poverty. Here is an SEL/STEM activity to use.
Minibook and work on Fatima Al-Fihri: both digital and pdf (born around 800 in Tunisia to a wealthy family who encouraged her to be curious and learn, she inherited her father's wealth at a young age. Designed and helped build mosques. The mosque in Fez, Morocco became a university (still is) and her design is used in university systems around the world.)
Margaret Knight (invented system to make looms in cotton mills safer before she turned 13), Eli Whitney (motivated by learning about the needs of different groups of people and wanting to help) bio minibooks and work.
Storyline Online Reading
8 minutes
If you ran for president, you would have to do a lot of hard work. You would study the nation’s problems, tell the American people about your platform, select a running mate, and debate your opponents on live television.