Unit 5, Week 5
- Strategy: Make, Confirm, Revise Predictions
D5 Resource page: Ready Reference Guide, Parent Letter, Bookmark, Assessment
- Skill: Cause & Effect
D5 Resource page: Ready Reference Guide, Parent Letter, Bookmark, Assessment
Short vowel digraphs /e/ as ea; /u/ as ou; /i/ as y
Alphabetical order to second letter
Pronoun-Verb Agreement
Book Titles: The Liberty Bell
Multiple meaning words
Context Clues
Monday Seesaw: List 1, List 2, List 3, List 4
Friday Seesaw Spelling Tests:
List 1, List 2, List 3, List 4, ALL lists
Spelling Boxes (all levels) pdf
ALL Unit 5 Spelling Test Self-Correct papers in one pdf
I Have... Who Has... cards (click copy)
Seesaw Activity to write 10 words in alphabetical order. Could be used with spelling, vocabulary, word wall, or special list of words. You can add a screenshot image to the page with the words you want them to use.
Visiting the Past - Time for Kids (Expository) R/W pp. 390-393
Setting the Rules - Time for Kids (Expository) A. pp. 480-483
American Symbols - Expository Anthology pp. 484-485
2020 edition uses different texts. The YouTube videos are linked:
1. Towns Need Rules (Interactive Read Aloud)
2. The Problem with Plastic Bags
3. A Call to Compost <- not working. Here is an Epic collection by a teacher that includes videos too. This is the only video I can find.
Google Earth: Edgerton to Philadelphia's historic sights
Kids Discover Earth Day Packet pdf (10 pages)
Kids Discover Infotoon Earth Day pdf (1 page)
Art ->
Minibook and work on Benjamin Franklin: both digital and pdf
Video about the Constitution for kids (6:32) and The Statue of Liberty (4:41):