
Parenting, working from home, supporting children with school work, getting has become extremely complicated and we are being called upon to do work we have never had to do before.

Here is a parent support group that might be helpful to you.

You might also find this podcast "Teens on Lockdown" helpful.

Below are some resources for you to support your kids' learning during this period of social distancing.

During this period of social distancing while in-class learning is suspended, parents are not expected to be "homeschooling" their children in the traditional fashion. PSS teachers will be providing a digital and distance learning experience and your child(ren) are expected to engage with this to the best of their ability. Students' final marks in June will be based on learning prior to the period of social distancing and learning that is happening afterwards. Please fill in our Technology Needs survey if you need a laptop for your child or if your internet connection is not reliable. Please contact your child(ren)'s teacher(s) with specific questions about the learning in a class. Email addresses are posted under the teacher tabs.

Teachers will be developing, for the most part, online learning expriences for students. We have video conferencing tools that we may use to have real-time lessons and tutorials or we may post videos of lessons we have done or lessons from other teachers elsewhere...the sky is the limit and classes will evolve over time.

We understand that families might be sharing a device or two and that sticking to rigid routines might not be the answer in your family.

Here are some suggestions for how you might support your child(ren) in this period of time:

  • Ensure they understand that they are expected to engage in their learning each day.

  • Encourage your child to get dressed each day. Studies do show that dressing for work when we are working from home helps with focus and productivity.

  • Create a schedule that works for them and your family. If it means doing school work at non-traditional times, that's fine if it works for your child and your family. Schedule in snacks, meals, and breaks. How specific this is will depend on your child and family. It does not have to look like a school day!

  • Encourage your children to have one area that they work in. First, this confines their learning materials to one area instead of the entire house, but it also creates spaces for learning and spaces for relaxing.

  • Encourage your children to connect with their teachers often. Each teacher will have a different preference, but all teachers can be reached via email.

  • Encourage your children to connect with peers about their learning using digital technology!

  • When you can, ask your children questions about their learning. Have them teach you!

  • Teach them what you know! Build a fire, bake bread, change your oil, paint the bathroom, build gardenbeds, tune a bike, MS Excel, secret recipes...

  • Communicate with your children's teachers if you have concerns.

School Access

Pemberton Secondary is closed to the public. If you child needs access to their locker or would like to pick up a textbook, please use the online scheduler to make a 15 minute appointment. We will have someone meet your child at the door. Only one student at a time is permitted to enter the school at this time. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.

Greg McDonell, Registered Clinical Counselor in Whistler, did a webcast about parenting during the COVID-19 isolation period.

Check out his video for some valuable information.