Ms Jean

Nicole Jean,

Comparative Cultures 12

Hi everyone. Hope you are not going too crazy at home. We will be starting up with our first after Spring Break assignment on Thursday. Please go into the school to pick up both of your textbooks (book and big floppy atlas). You will need to phone the school to set up a time because they don't want everyone showing up at once. Wonder how the chicken mummies are doing?!? I can't go into the building until next Monday, so will see what has happened then. Lucky you don't have to change the salt anymore. Please set up your own classroom at home and log on at 9:00am beginning on Thursday April 2nd to see what is new for Comparative Cultures 12. Bye for now, Ms Jean

1. Psych 12

2. Hi everyone,

Hope you are surviving at home without too much stress. If you haven't done your Piaget Experiment yet, please do not do it. Social distancing will make it very difficult to complete unless you are living with a child. If you have done it, that is great. Please submit it onto Google classroom. Our school is trying to get our online classes going on Thursday April 2. After this date, please log on each day around 9am to our Psychology class to see what is new. We will be continuing with our plan for Adolescent development and The Breakfast Club gang. Are you up to date? I believe we should all be finished the handouts on Erikson stages of Development and Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Reasoning, so if you aren't you could work on those until Thursday. Try to get outside for a solitary / social distancing walk when the weather is nice to maintain your sanity.

Missing you all, Ms Jean

PS - you don't need any resources from the school for this class online - I will put everything in the Material section of our Google classroom.

Social Studies 10

Hi everyone.

Well as you probably know already, we are moving to online learning. Don't panic, this will not be too much different than regular school. You will be needing your social studies textbook. The school will be letting students into the building on Wed and Thursday to pick up binders, textbooks, etc; however, you will need to phone ahead and let them know when you are coming because they are only letting a few people in the building at time. I know you probably can't remember this, but we just finished World War 1 and will be looking at the 20s and 30s next. I will have our first online lesson up on Thursday April 2. Please check in every school day morning around 9am to see what is new or what you should be working on. I will try to improve my tech know how and some days we will get together on Zoom for example, and other days you will just see what has been assigned or what is current, and work independently. Hope you are all coping with this lock down. If you feel you aren't please reach out for help (School Web page has some resources / websites / etc).

Thinking of you all, Ms Jean

PE 10-12

Hi Everyone,

Well PE is on hold for now and team sports are definitely not an option; however, this doesn’t mean we can’t get a bit of exercise. In fact it is good for your mental health to get outside and go for a walk, ride a bike or jog in a space that doesn’t have a lot of people. Go by yourself or go with a friend using the 2 meter rule. We are going to get more info out for you about your online classes by Thursday. Please check in to our Google Classroom PE class daily. It will be obviously difficult to create some type of effective PE course online, but I am going to do my best. There will NOT be a ton of healthy living assignments. Maybe just one. I do want you to stay active and stay healthy.