Standardized Testing


Each fall as a best practice, we conduct diagnostics to gather baseline data on each learner.  This allows us to appropriately match instruction and personalize learning.  The State of Ohio requires such state approved diagnostic testing before September 30th of each year to be reported indicating whether a child is “On Track” or “Not on Track” according to the Third Grade Reading Guarantee.  These data results guide districts in what they are required and should provide to make sure that students who face challenges learning to read receive the help they need.

At Greater Summit County Early Learning Center District (SCOPE PRIMARY) we administer ODE Diagnostic Testing and Local ODE approved assessments each Fall prior to September 30th in the following ways:

2023 - 2024 Assessment Calendar.pdf

In addition to the School's own assessment, the School assesses each student in accordance with Ohio Law and regulations. The State's assessments and diagnostics are designed to ensure that students demonstrate the proper levels of achievement and to assist students if they are not meeting the proper standards. Parents/Guardians may request policies regarding student participation in state mandated assessments. For more information about each assessment required by the state, please visit the following link. For more information about how the School's administration of State Assessments and the subsequent support that is provided, please review the policies below:

State Assessment and Supports.pdf

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