Adult/Continuing Education

Did you know that the NYC DOE’s Office of Adult and Continuing Education offers tuition-free adult education classes to individuals who are 21 and over who do not have a U.S. high school diploma or equivalent?  Parents can enroll in English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes to learn English, Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) classes, formerly (GED), to earn a high school equivalency diploma, and Career and Technical Education classes to become certified in a trade, such as Certified Nurse Assistant, Culinary Arts, Microsoft Certification, and more. Proof of US residency is not required.  Current and new students can register for remote learning.   Find out more at Office of Adult and Continuing Education.  

All registration will take place at one of our Registration Hubs. We  encourage everyone to fill out the form that is attached to the QR Code on the flyer.  The form will allow them to set up an appointment at one of our Registration Hubs.  Here is the web address for the  Form

***The closest Registration Hub in District 22 is: Adult Education School 6 @ Coney Island Avenue, 1223 Coney Island Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11230.  Appointments should be made through our website.  We cannot guarantee those adults without appointments will be registered if they walk in.

Literacy Partners

We offer free online and in-person classes for parents and caregivers of young children. We help adults improve their reading skills, learn to speak English and complete a high school equivalency degree. We also have online workshops to help Spanish-speaking parents and caregivers support their child’s early learning.

Brooklyn College Adult Literacy

The Brooklyn College Adult Literacy Program provides free classes to all New York State residents who are at least 18 years old. We offer two programs:

CUNY Fatherhood Academy

The Kingsborough Community College CUNY Fatherhood Academy (CFA) is a FREE program that prepares young fathers (ages 18 to 30) for college or enter the workforce, while working on their personal development skills that include parenting classes and men's groups. We are recruiting for both our HSE and College and Career Prep tracks (CCP is for Fathers who have their degree but are unsure of their next steps, we offer classes and workshops and two credits upon completion)

We Speak NYC

We Speak NYC Learn English Build Confidence Have Fun 

Find a class, resources, watch, learn and practice. Videos tell the stories of New Yorkers who have come from all over the world to make New York City their home. The show helps English language learners improve their language skills, learn about their rights, and access City services. The videos focus on important topics and model language that you can use in your everyday lives.