Parents/Family Empowerment
School/District/City Leadership
Adult and Continuing Education
Artificial Intelligence Resource for Families
Chancellor's Parent Advisory Council (CPAC)
Citywide Title I Parent Advisory Council (CTI-PAC)
Community Education Council (CEC)
District Leadership Team (DLT)
Panel For Educational Policy (PEP)
Parent Associations/Parent Teacher Associations (PA/PTA)
Parents Bill of Rights
Presidents' Council (PC)
School Leadership Teams (SLT)
School Safety Committee
Title 1 Parent Advisory Council (PAC)/District (DPAC)
Wellness Councils

Parent Leadership 101
3/26/24 Workshop
"Everything You Wanted To Know About Being A Parent Leader But Were Afraid to Ask"
Are you a new Parent Leader? Questions on Family Empowerment? Make an appointment with us!
Contact Heather Fiorica, Family Leadership Coordinator at
Parenting Resources

Prevention Services For Families
2/13/24 Workshop
Ackerman Institute
Join Ackerman’s new free webinar series for parents and caregivers: Created by family therapy experts, these webinars are designed to help parents and caregivers to support their child’s mental health across a diverse range of subjects. Webinars are free to attend and will be held online via Zoom.
View the Parent and Caregiver Webinars on You Tube
Advocates for Children New York Advocates for Children of New York works on behalf of children who are at greatest risk for school-based discrimination and/or academic failure due to poverty, disability, race, ethnicity, immigrant or English Language Learner status, sexual orientation, gender identity, homelessness, or involvement in the foster care or juvenile justice systems.
Be A Learning Hero you’ve got what it takes — you know your child best. But even superheroes need a team. We’re here to help you support your child's grade-level progress and well-being.
Beyond Access Series
The Beyond Access Series is a part of the New York City Department of Education's Division of Specialized Instruction and Student Support. The series supports families of students with disabilities by providing sessions on topics around special education.
For more information about the New York Department of Education please visit
For more information about special education in New York City please visit
If your child attends a school a DOE school in New York City and you have questions, you can reach out to or by calling 311
Upcoming Sessions
Child Mind Institute
The Child Mind Institute
Common Sense Media
Crisis Resources to Support Families and Communities
Crisis Management with Children and Adolescents: Information Guide for Parents and Caregivers (Center for School Mental Health in collaboration with the Maryland School Mental Health Alliance)
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network was established to improve care, treatment, and services for traumatized children and adolescents exposed to traumatic events.
Parents Tips for Helping Preschool-Aged Children after Disasters
Parents Tips for Helping School-Aged Children after Disasters
Guide: Talking to Children About Tragedies – (University of Southern California, National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement)
Promoting Compassion and Acceptance in Crisis - (National Association of School Psychologists)
1-888-NYC-WELL , which is available through the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, provides mental health and social service referrals by zip code and by family medical insurance.
Health Information Tools for Empowerment (HITE) is a resource for medical, mental health and related services in New York. Click on Search for Programs and Services for a wealth of resources in areas such as: after-school programs/youth groups, child care/day care, counseling for children, domestic abuse/victims’ services, early childhood education, family financial and welfare services, home-based family support, LGBTQ services, mentoring, parenting support, psychological testing for youth, summer youth programs, and tutoring.
Children’s Mobile Crisis Unit – Visiting Nurse Services of New York maintains a Children’s Mobile Crisis Team (CMCT), providing 24/7 rapid crisis care for children and teens (ages 0 to 18) and their families who need crisis assessment, crisis stabilization, prevention planning, and caregiver support.
Center for School Mental Health, University of Maryland School of Medicine
List of Resources for Dealing with Traumatic Events in Schools
Talking To Children about Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers.
Join our Weekly Email Communication and Follow us on Social Media
Friday afternoons during the school year we send out a weekly email for families through your NYCSA Account and to the community-Sign up here. You can also follow us on Social Media @District22bkny on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Parent University
Register for Parent University! The DOE’s Parent University seeks to educate and empower all families from early childhood through adulthood, with free courses, resources, events, and activities. Parents can register for free trainings on a wide range of topics, including adult education, student social-emotional learning, and special education.
Workshops on University Literacy for K-2 Supporting Oral language, phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, writing.