Support Services

Safe Harbor Recovery Center

Safe Harbor also welcomes families and loved ones of those with substance use disorder. We offer a wide range of supports for and with individuals and their families. Striving to provide best practices in peer and recovery supports, Safe Harbor continually works to improve its program—from creating a well-ordered, comfortable and welcoming environment, to ensuring that staff are well-trained and responsive to its members. Wellness, personal enrichment and support programs are ever-evolving to meet the diverse needs of those members.

25 Hour Support Hotline

HAVEN serves women, men and children affected by domestic and sexual violence 24 hour confidential hotline.

603-994-SAFE (7233)


Rockingham Community Action

Fuel Assistance and Financial crisis intervention

Their mission is to assist people with Developmental Disabilities and Acquired Brain Disorders to live as valued and participating members in their communities.


Granite Pathways

Services individuals with substance and mental health illness.


Creating Affordable Housing


Emergency and Transitional Shelter

#areuin? gives qualified K-12 students access to out-of-school programs and activities by simply showing their card to partner organizations, rather than having to apply for financial assistance each and every time they are interested in participating.

EMPOWERING OUR YOUTH - The Key Collective envisions every child without the financial means having the same opportunities available to their peers, available to them without any social stigma attached.
