FAQ for Students

What time does school start and end? 


How many classes will I have in a day?  Do the classes change each day? 

(4x4 Block scheduling) 4 classes/day.  You have all the same classes each day UNLESS you have block 1 as an A/B day and then only block 1 changes each day.

Are there teams of kids that stay with teachers? 


What time is lunch? Can we sit where we want for lunch? Can we go off campus during lunch?

12:34 - 1:04.  Yes, everyone eats lunch at the same time! Lots of clubs meet during lunch time making it each to get involved. There are outdoor spaces to eat and lots of teachers allow students to eat in their classrooms if you prefer a smaller environment.  Not as a freshman or sophomore. You can start second semester junior year and senior year if you are in good standings academically and behaviorally.

Will I be able to choose my classes? What classes are required? 

Each year there are required classes but once you have all the required classes you get to choose electives. 

Are there all different grades in my classes or just freshman? 

Your required core classes will be with freshmen but all others will be mixed grades, like Fundamentals of Art or  Language classes.

Do you have to take world language classes? Are they year long classes?

They are not required to graduate from PHS but if you want to go to a 4 year college they will want to see up through level 3 in a single language. Not unless they are in the A/B day block.

How big are the classes? 

24 students max in core classes, some are much smaller (for example  welding has a max of 12 students for safety reasons) . Generally, most classes have around 20 students. 

Are due dates for assignments/projects flexible? 

Totally depends on the teacher but for the most part you need to learn to meet all deadlines. Remember that HS is preparing you for college or real life where deadlines are essential.

Can we wear hats? 

Yes BUT, if a particular teacher has a no hat rule in their classroom you need to take it off. Same goes for eating in class.

What is the phone policy like? 

You can have your phone in school but there is NO phone use during academic time, not even if you go to the bathroom during class time. Some teachers collect all phones prior to class others do not but it will be taken away if you are using it during academic time.

Do you get any free blocks?

No, but you can earn one/quarter senior year if you earn all of your credits and your parents allow it.

How much homework do we get? 

Totally depends on your academic load and your teachers.

Is it true that if you get a C in a class you can not play sports? 

NO, you can not be failing any classes to be athletically eligible. The grades from the previous quarter are the ones that determine eligibility and then you have to maintain your grades during sports seasons.

Do you have to take gym classes? 

You have to take 2 half credit PE classes to graduate but you can take them whenever you want. 

How is the grading different from middle school? 

PHS runs on a 10 point grading scale and has no D grades so if you get below a 70 you fail the class.  A complete grading table can be found on the school profile.

Will we be using computers?  Do we get Chromebooks, can I use my own laptop? 

Yes, you will get a chromebook freshman year that you keep until you graduate. You can use your personal laptop for most of the work but any assessments/tests that are electronic must be taken on your school device. 

How far apart are the classes? Do you have time to get to classes? How do we know where our classes are the first day?

Depends on the classes. Yes, you will easily have time to get from one class to the next without being late. You will go to each of your classes briefly during freshman orientation which is the day before school starts for grades 10-12. You will get tours during step up day too.

How many students total and what middle schools go to PHS? 

About 1,050 students total, approximately 250-280/grade and kids come from PMS, Greenland Central School, Rye Junior High school and a variety of private middle schools. 

Is there a Success block? 

No but we have a FLEX block for 40 minutes at the end of each day. If you are missing assignments or failing a class you will be required to go to that class otherwise you will have choice in where you go during FLEX. There are many enrichment choices.

What are some of the best non-required classes? 

It depends on what you like! There are a so many options in the arts, music, PE and Career Technical Education courses available. You can also take a variety of additional elective classes in each core subject.  See the course catalog for a full list. High School is a great time to explore a variety of areas.

Did you have a hard time making new friends? Did your friend group change at all? 

It can be easy to make new friends if you are open to doing so. Joining clubs, performing arts and sports are a great way to meet new people in a smaller environment. We strongly suggest that if you  do band or choir and are thinking of dropping it we recommend you stay in it. This is a fantastic way to meet new friends too.

How long is each class and is it hard to adjust to longer classes?

Classes are 78 minutes and they usually go by fast as the teacher will break the classes up between lecturing, small group work, projects, etc. 

Are we able to request certain kids to be in our classes to help with anxiety? 

No, that is not allowed but your counselor will help you to adjust to the HS in a way that is comfortable for  you. Ask for help if you need it. 

Is the transition to high school hard? 

It can be but the high school works hard to make the transition as comfortable as possible. Step up day is a great time to connect and then you have freshman orientation which is a full day with ONLY freshmen in the school so it is more comfortable. Don’t forget that your school counselor is ALWAYS available to support you or to answer any questions you have. 

Do you have lots of freedom? Do you get lost? 

There are a lot more freedoms, just don’t abuse them and you will be fine. Between step day and orientation times will help you find your classes. There are signs in the hallways that tell you which way to go and ask other students. The upperclassmen will help you, they are not mean to freshmen. 

Is the lunchroom total chaos? Overwhelming? 

A lot of seniors go off campus and other kids are in teacher classrooms or at clubs and outside. It can be overwhelming if you are easily overwhelmed. If it is too much for you, find a different spot  you are comfortable with. 

How does the credit system work? Is it easy to earn enough credits to graduate? 

Each block in your schedule is a half of a credit.  If you take a full load (which you are required to do grades 9-11) you will earn 24 credits and you need 26 to graduate so it is easy to earn the required credits.

What happens if you really want to take a class and you don’t get it in your schedule? 

Talk to your counselor about it as soon as possible.