Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO's)

Students are allowed four (4) credits from Extended Learning Opportunities during their high school career.  Special circumstances may be brought to the attention of the administrative team.

College Courses/Early College

College Course/Early College courses may be taken as an Extended Learning Opportunity to supplement a Milford High School education.  Students may choose to take a course offered by a college if the course is not offered by Milford High School. Students may also choose to take advantage of “Early College” programming in an effort to benefit from the tuition savings offered by the community college system.  

         Grades 10 – 12

Community Service Learning

Community Service Learning integrates Community Service into the school curriculum.  Service Learning engages students in community-based activities while they practice curriculum-based skills.  Students (or groups of students) are required to submit a Service Learning Application prior to starting any Milford High School & Applied Technology Center supported Service Learning.

·         Grades 9 – 12

·         Unpaid experience

·         Credit determined by length and breadth of activity

·         Must not benefit a for-profit organization

Independent Study/Directed Study

Independent Study/Directed Study are programs designed for students who are interested in pursuing learning on their own (Independent Study) or under direct supervision of a teacher (Directed Study) with greater flexibility.  These options are to be used for studies outside of the program of studies and cannot be used in lieu of a regularly scheduled class.  Students must be: self-directed, dependable, conscientiousness, and sincere in pursing learning.

·         Grades 11 & 12                         

·         ½ credit awarded

Independent Internship 

Independent Internship is an unpaid experience that allows a student to use and develop technical and core workplace skills. Students work with an employer for specified period of time gaining experience and knowledge of a particular industry or career.  Students must submit an Internship Application, have a designated faculty supervisor and statement from their guidance counselor for approval.  Seniors may also participate in a more formal and structured Internship program, Career Focus Internship (see under Course Offerings).  

·         Grades 11 & 12

·         Unpaid experience

·         Credit determined by length and breadth of activity

Online/Virtual Education

Virtual/online classes are available through the Internet and provide students the flexibility of any time, anywhere access to rigorous, personalized education. All online courses must be approved and comply with all federal and state statutes pertaining to student privacy and to public broadcasting of audio and video.

·         Grades 9 – 12

·         Limited to 2 credits

Work Study/Cooperative Education

Work Study/Cooperative Education is a Career and Technical Studies program for students who, through a cooperative arrangement between the school and the student’s employer, receive career and technical education instruction through classroom and employment in a related field.  Students are required to make an advanced Cooperative Education Application and have a designated faculty supervisor from the subject area

·         Grades 11 & 12

·         Paid experience (if unpaid – referred to as an “Externship”)

·         Credit awarded - determined by enrollment in appropriate course