College Essay Writing

Essay Tips - Carleton College Admissions

Goof-Proof Admissions Essays - The 41 manageable and easy-to-understand rules and models found in Goof-Proof College Admissions Essays will have you accepted to the school of your choice!

How to Write Great Essays - It's a fact, most high-stakes tests require you to write an essay in less than an hour... Proofreading, Revising, & Editing Skills Success The key to developing and improving your writing is to commit to the revision process, which involves both editing and proofreading your work... 

Visual Writing - The pages of Visual Writing are full of proven techniques for increasing your writing and communication skills, which will be useful in the workplace… 

Write Better Essays in 20 Minutes a Day, 3rd Edition - Write Better Essays in 20 Minutes a Day provides you with step-by-step instructions for writing clear and compelling essays—and all it takes is 20 minutes a day! 

Write Your Way into College: College Admissions Essay  - Write Your Way into College: College Admissions Essay provides all the tools necessary to compose effective college application essays. 

Links to follow: Wadleigh Library > Research > Student Databases > Learning Express Library > College Prep Center > College Admission Essay