Course Selection

Beginning the month of February of each year School Counselors begin working with students to select courses for the next academic year.  

Programs of Study and Course Selection sheets are disseminated through the advisory program.  

School Counselors meet with each student individually to review credits earned, teacher recommendations, and discuss intended career goals to ensure that students are properly preparing for graduation and each student's college/career goal.

MHS utilizes a 'responsive' schedule, meaning that the number of sections of each course, and placement of each section, is driven by student request data.  Although this results in the greatest possible satisfaction of student requests, students can expect to receive their schedules the last week of each school year.

Parents are asked to sign both the course selection sheet as well as a document that students receive upon meeting with their School Counselor.  This system is designed to ensure that parents remain fully informed of the courses that students are taking.

Academic placements are made by teacher recommendation.  Should a student choose to enroll in a course that is of a higher level than than recommended by the teacher, a "Teacher Recommendation Override" form will be required.

Schedule Changes:

Students and parents may request a change of schedule after students have received their schedules by completing the "Request for Schedule Change" form.

Adding Courses: All new courses must be added within the first week of each semester. 

Dropping Courses: A grade of WI will be assigned if the course is dropped before 1/4 of the course is completed. A grade of WF will be assigned if the course is dropped after 1/4 of the course is completed. 

Please refer to the Program of Studies for information regarding graduation and promotion requirements.  

Students are encouraged to use the MHS Personal Pathway Planning system below to identify those courses offered at MHS that most directly relate to their intended career field:

You may begin this planning system by clicking on the "Career Cluster" that is most interesting to you below (then click "next")