Grade 1


ESSENTIAL Question: How do apps help us learn?

Project Description: Technology has a language. It’s called code. Coding teaches you how to solve problems and work together ​in creative ways. And it helps you build apps that bring your ideas to life. Students will work as a class to design their very own app. Students will learn about different kinds of apps and they'll apply coding concepts to create an app prototype. 

ca computer science standards

Algorithms and Programming

K-2.AP.12: Create programs with sequences of commands and simple loops, to express ideas or address a problem.

K-2.AP.14: Develop plans that describe a program’s sequence of events, goals, and expected outcomes.

K-2.AP.16: Debug errors in an algorithm or program that includes sequences and simple loops.

K-2.AP.17: Describe the steps taken and choices made during the iterative process of program development.

Impacts of Computing 

K-2.IC.18: Compare how people lived and worked before and after the adoption of new computing technologies.

K-2.IC.19: Work respectfully and responsibly with others when communicating electronically.

K-2.IC.20: Describe approaches and rationales for keeping login information private, and for logging off of devices appropriately.


Note: The project calendar and resources slides have been adjusted for online learning, however lesson scripts have not been revised. 

Written by: Lauren Leathers, Cheryl Steinemann, and Derek Suzuki