Grade 1

Unit 4: The Power of Plants

ESSENTIAL Question: How are Plants powerful?

Project Description: Students learn about the power of plants through investigating their own wonderings. Students observe plants on nature walks, make observational drawings, grow their own plants, and learn about the structures of plants through read alouds. Students use the design process to create a powerful plant with LEGO. Students develop health literacy through surveying peers about their eating habits and exploring healthy choices. Students decide on an audience for their work based on their survey results. Students create a message using Book Creator to inform and influence their audience about healthy eating. The project culminates in an exhibition where students share their eBook and learning with their audience.

next generation science standards

Performance Expectations

ONLINE Learning Resources 

Note: The project calendar and resources slides have been adjusted for online learning, however lesson scripts have not been revised. 

*Unit 1 is inspired by the CA Science Framework and the San Diego Unified Farm to School Program

Written by: Zoë Randall and Lacy Szuwalski 

with contributions from the Instructional Technology Team (Lauren Leathers, Cheryl Steinemann, Derek Suzuki), 

the Math Team (Holly Culbertson and Lisa Stone), and the VAPA Team (Marty Stegeman and Marjorie Treger)