Positive Behaviour Support

Our goal is to develop every aspect of a young person’s life – physical, emotional, social, spiritual and intellectual.

Positive behaviour support plays an important part in shaping a young person's life. Self-discipline, including responsibility and accountability for behaviour, is always encouraged.

Our school follows a PBS (Positive Behavioural Supports) framework, known throughout the College as SOLE. 

Our expectations are based around RESPECT - Respect for self, others, learning and the environment. Our school promotes the development of self-esteem and social skills to ensure that we acknowledge and value the contributions of others.  

It is important to recognise and acknowledge positive achievements by our students. This is done via TA meetings, assemblies, College social media and newsletters.

Staff members work with students to teach, explain and model appropriate behaviour in a teaching and learning community. Students are provided with opportunities to learn how to interact with each other to develop an understanding of how our behaviours affect and impact other people.

We believe every student has a right to learn, and every staff member has a right to teach.

There are consequences for students whose actions deny these rights to others.

Young people attending our school have a right to be safe and to feel safe, so there are consequences for students who mistreat others physically, verbally, socially or emotionally.

Restorative practices, behaviour support and other plans are used to rebuild the right relationships between students and staff and to teach acceptable behaviour. For more serious incidents, consequences may include removal from particular activities, in school detentions or external suspension. In extreme cases, expulsion may result. This would only occur per Catholic education and Department of Education guidelines. Further information is available on the College website in the policies portal: Student Behaviour Management Policy.

These consequences are explained to students so that when they make decisions, they are aware of the consequences of their decisions. Our extensive cyber safety policy can be accessed through the school website or the PAM module.