Student Services & Amenities


The school grounds are private property, and only those with legitimate reasons should be on this property.  Students should refrain from encouraging visitors/friends to call or visit them during school.  All visitors must sign in to the College office.

Bus Travelling

Students travelling on buses must wait with the bus duty teacher.  Gates will be opened at 3:25 p.m. when the first buses arrive.  Students travelling on later buses should remain inside the gate with the teacher supervising until their bus arrives.  

At the start of the year, all bus travellers must provide a note signed by a parent to the student's TA, stating the time and route of their bus travel. 

Respectful behaviour is expected of our bus travellers at all times.  Junior students can be buddied with older students until they become familiar with the bus routine.  Further bus information can be accessed through Nicole Elliott at the front office.

Lockers and student tubs

Lockers and student tubs are used for storing students' equipment. Items of value should only be left in a locked locker.  Families are required to supply a lock to secure student belongings.  Where there are reasonable grounds to suspect that there is material in a locker that is inappropriate or illegal, lockers will be searched by a member of the College Leadership Team.