
It is important that your contact details be up-to-date in regards to postal and email addresses, telephone numbers and authorised contacts.  Parents/carers must ensure all medical profiles of children in Operoo are up to date.  

Medication at School 

Accidents, Illness and Emergency Contacts

Despite our best efforts to avoid accidents occurring, when they do happen we act promptly to minimise injury or aggravation to injury. First aid accreditation is maintained for all staff.  It is our policy to seek the best medical support for students who suffer injury from an accident. This may involve calling an ambulance. We have the same response to serious illness.

Whilst school accidents are covered by insurance (see below), this insurance does not cover the costs of ambulance callouts.  Parents/carers need to be aware that the costs for ambulance travel will be their responsibility.

Ambulance costs are very high. For example, a minimum call-out is $1,500.00, an emergency trip to Bendigo is $2,500.00 plus, a trip to Melbourne is $4,500.00 plus. We strongly recommend families to consider taking out membership of an Ambulance Fund, which covers all ambulance transport for the family.  Pensioners and holders of Health Care Cards are entitled to free ambulance transport for all persons listed on the card.

All students will be covered by the Catholic Church Insurance (CCI) School Activities Insurance cover, covering students on school camps, school sports (including sports out of the school hours, as long as they are organised by the school), work experience, as well as travelling to and from school or school activities. 

To reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 any unwell children and young people should remain at home.

If a child is unwell, parents/carers should arrange testing for COVID-19 and students should stay home until the test result is known. KDHS can be contacted on 5857 0212. If a positive result occurs, parents and caregivers should contact the College immediately.


Anaphylaxis is the most severe form of an allergic reaction, and whilst all staff undertake training on anaphylaxis management, parents/carers must ensure that they inform the College if their child has been diagnosed at risk of anaphylaxis.

Parents of an anaphylactic student must meet with their Teacher Advisor (TA) at the commencement of each school year to complete an individual anaphylaxis management plan, this includes an ASCIA Action Plan to be completed with your doctor.

Parents must also provide the school with an auto-injector device and medication if required.

Parents are also required to inform the College if their child’s medical condition changes and to provide an up to date photo for the emergency plan. Our College follows procedures that are compliant with Ministerial Order 706 in relation to anaphylaxis management.

Asthma, epilepsy or diabetes management

Students who experience asthma, epilepsy or diabetes require an up to date management plan written and signed by their general practitioner and/or diagnosing specialist each year. The relevant forms are available from the office. Parents are asked to consult with their GP to complete the details of the plan and have it returned to the College before the school year begins or upon diagnosis. The Wellbeing Leader then organises a meeting with the parents to ensure a College management plan is in place and signed by parents.

The information provided is displayed for staff and emergency teachers.