Child Safety

As a Child Safe organisation, all staff are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for all of the young people in our care. 

We are committed to ensuring that the eleven Child Safe Standards are explicitly adhered to by staff (including volunteers and contractors at the College) to ensure a safe and supportive environment in which students can grow, learn and flourish.

Refer to this visual for a summary of the Child Safe Standards:  

As part of our commitment to child safety, staff (including contractors and volunteers) receive training to report and respond to concerns about child abuse. All staff are mandated to report these concerns and the College staff follow the Four Critical Actions. 

See the visual below:

For more information on the College’s policies and procedures relating to child safety please follow these links:

Child Safety Policy Child Safety and Wellbeing St Augustine's College

Child Safety Code of Conduct St Augustine's College

Child Safety Policy Engaging Families in Child Safety St Augustine's College

Child Safety Policy Mandatory Reporting St Augustine's College

Child Safety Policy Photographing, Filming and Recording (Students) St Augustine's College

Child Safety Policy PROTECT Responding & Reporting Obligations St Augustine's College

Child Safety Procedures PROTECT Responding Obligations & Reporting Obligations St Augustine's College

If you have questions about child safety, you can contact one of the Child Safety Officers at the College:

Carolyn Goode 

Alannah McLatchey

Jessica Daniel

Tess Brookman