
slice of life 10

here are a lot of my fav jokes! enjoy!:)

Q:What do you call a pig that does karate?

A:a pork chop!

Q:why do bananas wear suntan lotion?

A:because they peel!

Q:why are teddy bears never hungry?

A:because there always stuffed!

Q:what did the duck say to the comedian?

A:”you quack me up”!

Q:why was the cookie sad?

A: because his mom was a whaffer sooo long!

Q:what did the duck say when he bought lipstick?

A:”put it on my bill”!

Q:what goes snap crackle squeak?

A:mice krispies!

Q:what kind of underwear do clouds wear?


Q:why are frogs always so happy?

A:because they eat whatever bugs them! (Like me,except I wack whatever bugs me!)

Q:why was the baby ant confused?

A: because all of his uncles were ants!

Q:what do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?


Q:why couldn't the bike stand on its own?

A: because it was two tired!

Q:why did the kid put sugar under his pillow?

A: so he would have sweet dreams!

Q:why did they let the turkey?

A:because he had drumsticks!

Q:why did the banana go to the doctors?

A:because he was not peeling right!

Other type of jokes.....

Q:what do you call a theving alligator?

A:and crookodile!

Q:did you hear about the kidnapping at preschool?

A: he woke up!

Q:what does a boy monster do when a girl monster rolls her eyes at him?

A:he picks them up and rolled them back!

Q:what do you call a dog owned by Dracula?

A:a blood hound!

Q:why did the cucumber call 911?

A:because he was in a pickle!

slice of life 9

Lizy and the flower

On June 22nd,the last day of school lizzy was walking home. On her way to her house she has a magnificently huge field of Golden flowers,there are tiny Golden flowers in small pots that fill,the field, then there is one, very big Flower it is called the Sun Rainbow! Legend has it that if a person was to touch it, well umm, let's just say unserten doom…..

Anyway back to the story, so lizzy was walking home. As she was walking closer, and closer to the field, Lizzy said to herself “I wonder if I went and touched if anything would really happen?”

(You,all see where this is going right?) When lizy was right smack down the middle of the outside of the field, she went in! Trying hard not to break the pots or crumple the flowers. When she got to the Sun Rainbow flower she looked and stared curiously, yet she hadn't touched it because she was a bit frightened that something might happen. Then all of a sudden the flower sang! Yes it sang!! All by itself till the other flowers pitched in. The Sun Rainbow flowers harmony and melody was amazing with the other flowers. “Woww” whispered lizy.

“I feel so, so amazing!” “Like I'm floating!!”

Just then the Sun Rainbow flower picked lizy up with her big shiny leaf, and covered her up in to the ground!

She has never been heard from since!

JK! She slayed! That flower before it even came close to putting its leaves on her!!☺️

slice of life 8

Party in the USA Miley Cyrus (parodied by Mariah bailey❣️)

I jumped of the bus at CKB

with my bag and swag with me

welcome to the land of teach excess

Wow am I gonna make friends

Walked to the classroom here I am for the first time

Look to the left and I see the kids staring

This is all too much

Cause I don't quite fit in

My belly's kinda grumbling cause I feel a little homesick

Away to long

And now I need to see my mom

That's when the teacher woman said “recess!”

And a kid said wanna play tag

And a kid said wanna play tag

And a kid said wanna play tag

So I made a new friend

And I'm playing tag

So now all the butterflies are gone

Running around like yeah

Moving and screaming like yeah

So I Put my hands up they've made my day

I know this year's gonna be great


It's a life for me here


It's a life for me here!


slice of life 7

Parents aren't watching

Put on my pajamas,

Turn my radio on,

Dim the light,

Turn the alarm on,

Set for 4:30,

Read or play,

Parents aren't watching,

Don't care,

I will run loose at this so called “bedtime”

Because parents aren't watching,

Slip in bed at 9 or 10

Shhh Because parents aren't watching,

So parents don't know,

Say my good nights to the world,

Say my blessings,

And ask every night before I go into to bed,

For peace

slice of life 6

My family

Me, Kyla, Matt, Chris,Mom, dad, Karen, jame, Patty, Erik,Teddy, Mike, Beth, Gabe, Harper, Ari, Allison, nick, Camille, blank, blank,


Whispa, Dewey, skylar

In loving memory of Molly

You will always be in my heart

Mariah's slice of life 5

Mary-Green song

Boxes and baskets of her old things, Cabage patch dolls and stuffed dogs, She had promised that one day,theyd be worth millions,

She'd watch and stare and sleep all day, She'd only have 3 meals a day, But when it all comes down to it all, even if she looked tho she wasn't happy, She was....


People would come then people would leave, She'd forget those that didn't care, and sometimes those that did, But she wouldn't ever forget ME........

Tightend covers and sheets as she sleeps, The smell of dogs and lotion with powder, The hearing of the rickerdy heater,

Raining and poring at 3 in the morning, Crying and sobbing for the one that got away, I wish that I could have said goodbye, For the last time........


people would come and people would leave, She'd forget those who didn't care, and sometimes those who did, But she'd never forget ME.... forget ME....

The End!

Mariah's slice of life 4

A love (ish) letter to my clothes

Dear clothes id like to thank you for letting me were you,

for allowing me to feel the warmthness of yourself,

for making yourself just my size to fit my turns and curves.

I would not like to thank you for not drifting you'r way to the poor and homeless.

Now I would like to thank you again for trying to last as long as possible,

for looking you'r best even when I'm looking my worst,

for usally being on trend,

and being totally fashionable well at least most of the time!

Thank you clothes! :)

Mariah's slice of life day 3!

So This morning i woke up really early, to be exact I woke up at 3:42.

Since it was early I..... I stole my dad's phone and started playing! In case you'r that kind of person who does'ent no there games I will tell you what it is.... is is a mass multiplayer game. The game was made by Steve Howse. Players control an avatar resembling a worm, which consumes multicolored poop, both from other players and ones that naturally spawn on the map in the game, to grow in size. The objective of the game is to grow the longest worm in the server. is similar in concept to the popular 2015 web game and is reminiscent of the classic arcade game Snake.

But anyway

Mariah's slice of life 2

The set up…..

It was the day before my friend’s birthday she and my other friend had said “you should dress fancy with us, cuz its my birthday and all” so being me I said “ok”

The next day I did and I came in to school with a dress and earrings and looked ”fancy”

As soon as I caught up with with my two friends i saw that they had jeans (ripped) and t shirts on! I was so mad and they smirked and giggled a bit. I felt betrayed! I was angry.

I was mad because I don’t really like wearing dresses because it's not really my personality, you know. They had been “setting me up” alot lately and just being rude and mean.

There are going to be changes between them and I.

Mariah's slice of life

so in class we are doing a chair challenge! now, you'r prob like what the heck is a chair challenge!? Well, a chair challenge is were you (originally) get one box of cardboard. Then you have to make a sturdy chair made of it... easy right?! not really.... you have to put a lot of time and think into it.

You prob saw that I had said "(originally)". I said that because our teacher wanted us to do this thing in partnerships. Now there is nothing really wrong with that cause I got a pretty awesome partner, but I like working alone... you know independently. I guess the world doe'sent evolve around me

Thanks bye!