Our Daily Schedule

Here is our M-Friday schedule (our Wed. is abbreviated)

8:25 to 10:40 Literacy Block

This will include Morning Meeting, Reading, Word Work, Writing with embedded Science and Social Studies

10:40 to 11:20 Recess followed by lunch

11:25 to 12:55 Math/Science and Individual Learning Time

This will include using the Eureka Math modules, applying math to the world around us activities, individual learning including self selected choice activities (Genius Hour Projects/The Solutionary Program/Creative Writing/STEM project

12:55 to 1:35 Unified Arts

This will include Art, Music, PE, Library Time (both at Dyer and our C.K. Burns Library) and Computer Technology/Digital/Media Literacy

1:35 to 2:25 Integrated Learning

This will include time to revisit work begun earlier in the day and time to expand upon Science and Social Studies and other individual topics of study.