Home Learning

June 11- 15

Continue reading nightly. On Thursday we will have an interactive session with a mindfulness expert. Check out his website at justmindfulness.com and also yomind.com.

June 4-8

Home learning will focus on reading and mastering multiplication and division. If your child has not yet mastered both assessments, I will be sending home a math to be practiced each night. 30 minutes of math and 15 of reading or 45 minutes of reading only

May 29-June 1

Focus is on the writing for our book for any students unfinished on Tues evening. On Wed and Thursday - home learning will be focused on math for some students who have not hit the multiplication/division benchmark for proficiency - this will continue until the year end for those students. Other students will continue to read nightly and track progress

May 21-May 25

Tonight please come up with three possible titles for your milestone piece.

Read or work on your writing for our book for 30 minutes - read the book I've assigned you if you have been assigned one. All students will be assigned books and book groups within these last weeks of school.

May 22, 2018

List the two or three themes or chapters you believe your piece would fall into. Write why and show the evidence from your piece.

Read for 30 minutes from your assigned book. All students will be assigned books and book groups within these last weeks of school.

May 23rd

Draw a potential cover the for book. Read.

May 24th

Reading from book club book.

May 14-May 18th

Writing for Monday - write a ballad,ode, quatrain or triolet or try them all. Take an old narrative piece from earlier in the year and rewrite it in this style.

Tuesday - Super challenge - Write a Sestina poem

(see this link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SECn47WTR8UA7N2UfcR7NovX9K7uIbEwB6yMMpd2DB8/edit?usp=sharing) or work on a piece that you THINK you may want to put in our book

Wed 5/16

Final day to free write looking for that perfect piece for our anthology - first draft - Identify your theme - your 3Y's.

Thursday 5/17 using feedback from your partner work - improve your piece in google docs or in your notebook. Highlight what you've changed.

May 7- 11

Tuesday: Narrative poetry (Think of the examples we looked at today from Out of the Dust, Brown Girl Dreaming and Gone Fishing) take one of your stories and turn it into a narrative poem.

Wednesday: Write a curse poem (16 lines minimum) or a wish poem, write a forgive me, I meant to do it poem ( 12 lines minimum) and write a poem with a recurring Line (16 lines minimum) - Think about the poems /narratives we read by Ralph Fletcher (Chicken Sunday) or (Grandpa Never Lies )

Thursday: Writing from the Heart - a Draft - What is home? Write a narrative - use 3 Y’s to guide you (are we doing this as a 3rd prompt?) Review mentor texts from Our Many Stories. Use a heart map to help you think of stories. Write atleast two pieces that match your heart map. Write about a 1st time, gratitude, the world, a thing of beauty, your special place in the world.

]April 30- May 4

Thursday - Deathbed letter or write your own obituary - how would you want to be remembered or who would you want to write about to tell the world how wonderful they are - you may also continue your writing from your artifact or timelime



Wednesday Writing -

Tell a story from your timeline. Create a timeline poetry or narrative.

Tuesday - create a timeline of the ten moments that stand out in your life so far

We will continue to write in our planners and to track our reading. Reading again will be focused on stamina - 50 minutes maximum. Less if also doing word study. Today we are at Ferry Beach and I hope to return to school to have all students get some reading and word study done.

We will have some writing as part of home learning later in the week. Look for a letter to come home that gives more information about the milestone learning experience.

April 23-27

In an effort to make the most of our last weeks and to ready this crew for next year, I am asking students to write in their planner each night. Please help them locate it at home if it didn’t come home tonight.

The home learning for this week is to read for 30 minutes and to do word study. Students will be doing a variety of exercises with the words – writing sentences, practice tricky words or do a creative writing with the words.

I ask that you sign the planner (for this week) as we return to a specific routine each morning of reviewing and writing down any home learning that is due the following day. If at the week end, your child has four full days of signatures, they will be graduated from the signing.

Thanks for your support!

April 9-12

As you may know from the flyer that went home we are participating in the Bikes for Books program. Participating is simple: the more students read, the more chances they have to win a new bike and helmet. Each student will be asked to read as many books as they can between April 6th and May 9th. In support of this school wide initiative (even if one was fortunate to win last year) our focus during home learning from now until May 9th will be reading. By reading 40 minutes nightly, students should be able to complete from 3-5 books given the length of the book. We will be documenting total pages read and highlighting type of books read. I am encouraging all 5th grade students to select one fantasy book as part of the reading during this time. More on that to follow.

April 2-6

Our first two evenings this week will continue the 30 day writing challenge which we began on Mar 4th. I've been amazed at the writing. Last push to enter those Slice of Life entries - all based on choice. Also students who have NOT completed a home interview will bring home an iPad on Tues evening to conduct the interview and record it. Students will also take one photo of the object that is 30 years old and write up how it connects to history (this can be their slice of life entry for the evening).

On Wednesday and Thursday students begin a historical fiction books and the expectation is to read a full 45 minutes nightly. I will also be sending home a log to mark the minutes as well as templates for note-taking.

RE: Slice of Life writing 12/23 students returned the slip that asked for parent/guardian to acknowledge the work. I will be sending home a second notice to those families to be sure that home learning doesn't slide during the last 10 weeks of school.

Month of March Home Learning

Out of Eden - Footstep Two - Connecting our Lives to the Past - due end of the week 3/16

Also continue Slicing!

We are participating in the Slice of Life Challenge. Every evening students will be writing for 15-30 minutes. Each entry in their journal or on Google docs will then be published to their webpage (see menu- Slice of Life and the drop down for each individual page) Students can write up an event from their daily life, publish a poem, write about something interesting they've learned, it's designed to establish a daily practice of writing. After working on the piece, reading of choice will be the only other assignment for the month. I would suggest the perfect balance be 25/20: 25 minutes of writing and 20 of reading. Students should be able to write a full entry in this amount of time. I've linked a couple examples here.

Week of 2/26/18 -3/2-18

To support the readathon, our home learning each night is to read for 45 minutes and to log reading times.

Every student got a copy of the calendar to use as a log. I will collect those on Monday morning the 5th of March.

Week of 2/12/16 - 2/16/18

Important Update: The field trip for Friday has been postponed until the Tuesday after vacation. The forecast called for rain so a postponement decision was made. A fun time will be planned for our 5th graders on Friday afternoon. Stay tuned.


Finish Math pages 27,28,30 and 31 (convert to like fractions and then subtract)

Interview a family member and then write up the story of how you got your name. Please include any special meaning your name has (ask if your name was from another family member, did it come from another language)


Finish the handout math paper with practice work AND make cards for our Valentine's Day party. If you have not written the story of how you were named, please do it!


using the Summary method (Somebody/Wanted/But/So/Then) to write up a summary of Beauty and the Beast


It's almost the vacation (and I'm on vacation early because I worked extra in the summer) so I'm giving you a vacation too! No home learning but you can always read for pleasure.

February Break Challenge - read and finish one book for pleasure and participate in the read a thon.

Week of 2/5/18-2/9/18

Monday - choice (reading or writing) or nothing. NWEA was today so I was happy to give the night off!

Tuesday - Out of Eden Learn post on google docs. Please write up your introduction.

Wednesday - Snow day - early release. Take the time to make Valentine's and be sure to read a book while you are indoors!

Thursday - Reading - As we begin to look at the reading of opinion pieces, I want you to identify the sources the author used in building his opinion/editorial. Read the piece I passed out in class today (Should we celebrate Columbus Day and one of your choice) Use the handout to help you form your own opinion.

Home Learning Week of January 28-Feb 2, 2018

I will be conducting reading assessments this week. Home learning all week will be to read for 45 minutes nightly. Growing a love of reading for pleasure is critical to being a lifelong learner. As I say in class often, the best way to become a better reader is to read! Students have choice in their reading including: non-fiction - news articles (Newsela) reading on Wonderopolis or in Scholastic or in a book from our class library, school library or Dyer.

Home Learning Week of January 22-26, 2018

Please focus this week on one of these three areas

1. If you are not solid in division, please focus on lessons in Module 2. Students will be assessed on Friday on their understanding of long division up to dividing a four digit number by a two digit number. Lesson 16 thru 29 have plenty of problems to practice. In addition I will send some practice sheets to give you lots of time to practice. Please focus on dividing by a single digit first (for example: 8,792 divided by 4)

2. Please read nightly. I will be assessing reading levels this month so anytime spent reading will be well spent.

Home Learning Week of January 16-18, 2018

Tuesday - Thursday

Some students will be working on mastering multiplication facts as home learning - look for a letter from me that details 7 days of lessons that will assist with the memorization of the facts. (minimum of 15 minutes nightly)

All students are busy reading non-fiction articles and books and learning to note take. Non fiction reading on Scholastic, Newela and reading texts that are non-fiction. As we read nightly we will be taking notes that help us remember what we've read and to become an knowledgeable in a specific topic of choice. Nightly reading and note-taking will be taking place all week. Additionally, students are working on a feature for our class newspapers. They are using the 5 W's to shape their writing.

All students are working to write the article (or if they are doing a comic strip, they are working on drawing and writing) on a topic that falls into one of the following sections: Global or National News, Local news, weather, Science (Pets), Sports, Business or Cooking.

Home Learning Week of January 8-12, 2018

Monday - write a newspaper article using the 5 W's reporting about the break in at the home of the bears. Use writing prompt from today's lesson

Tuesday - If you did not finish your article from Monday write it tonight and then Read from your non-fiction book or in Scholastic http://sni.scholastic.com/ use our class code notetrip2 to log in as a student and note take using one of the methods covered in reading today. 30 minutes. Also creative writing with spelling words challenge. Spend 15 minutes on a free write that incorporates as many of your spelling words as possible.

Wednesday - Select your your topic for your feature article for the ClubSmith newsletter. Begin reading more about your topic using a note taking method. What angle will you take that puts a fresh spin on the topic? You will be pitching your idea to me tomorrow. Ask yourself why would others want to read this article.Take the rewrite challenge. Rewrite the lyrics to Seasons of Love - see our reading links page for a link to the lyrics on Google Drive.

Thursday - Choice: Illustrate a scene from our read aloud, Wishtree. You can choose the scene from the evening when Samar goes outside. You can pick another scene from the story to illustrate as well. Also continue your research for the article for our paper.

Home Learning Week of January 2-5, 2018

Happy New Year!

Tuesday - read tonight 30 minutes - get back into the routine of nightly reading. This week we are exploring reading cites that often have accompanying videos - if you have ear buds, please bring in a pair by next Monday (can be found at Dollar Store for $1)

Wednesday - Word Study (use your new list) and do two of the weekly activities. If you have not received your words yet for the week - please read. If you have not finished math from class time, please do the pages from the workbook 91 and 93

Thursday - Please write your academic goals for the school year. Think about one or two areas you'd like to focus on. We will talk about this during Wednesday and Thursday.

Home Learning December 18th and 19th

Tonight either:

Figure out how old you will be tomorrow. Express that number in years. then in total months, total days and hours (bonus total seconds). Info you need to know

365 days in a year, 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute


Rewrite the lyrics to Season of Love using new words (rather than in daylights and sunsets maybe you would use different words) and if you'd like use new measurements for time (instead of 525,600 minutes you could write, the expression in days, hours or seconds)

Seasons of Love (see below)

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes

Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes

How do you measure, measure a year?

In daylights, in sunsets

In midnights, in cups of coffee

In inches, in miles

In laughter, in strife

In five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes

How do you measure a year in the life

How about love?

How about love?

How about love?

Measure in love

Seasons of love

Seasons of love

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes

Five hundred twenty-five thousand

Journeys to plan

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes

How do you measure the life

Of a woman or a man?

In truths that she learned

Or in times that he cried

In bridges he burned

Or the way that she died

It's time now to sing out

Tho' the story never ends

Let's celebrate

Remember a year in the life of friends

Remember the love

Remember the love

Remember the love

Measure in love

Measure, measure your life in love

Seasons of love

Seasons of love

Home Learning for December 19th

Lets have some fun for our last day before the break - write a fun poem/rap about winter break and the fun you hope you will have. Use a poem or song you love as inspiration. For example: The Cat in the Hat begins with with the lines

The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house All that cold, cold, wet day.

How can you change it? I will look forward to the fun on Wednesday!

Home Learning 12/12 to 12/15

Monday - Mrs. Smith out (nothing formally assigned) You can always read for pleasure.

Tuesday - Tonight's assignment is to write a summary of the movie Frozen. As you know, I'm the only one in ClubSmith that has not seen the movie. A summary should be the highlights of the movie. Often it will reveal the theme. Try to limit your summary to no more that 3 paragraphs.

Wednesday - As we begin our non-fiction study - please begin to think about a topic you would like to read about. Focus on your interests, your hobbies, your hopes and dreams. Tonight you will begin to start your reading a non fiction book or article . Use one of the note taking methods we talked about today. Come in tomorrow prepared with your notes and your book so we can continue the research.

Thursday - Research continues....read from your non fiction text(s) and continue writing more notes.

Home Learning 12/4 to 12/8

Monday - focus on math - multiplication - standard algorithm. 2 digit by 2 digit

Tuesday - Out of Eden Learn Footstep 5 - Documenting the Everyday - see the link - Notice what we do that seems like routine to us that may be unfamiliar to another culture. https://docs.google.com/a/sacoschools.org/document/d/1KX1sppzDWSRw-pj7OopwU_8gaBSiyK8IiGUMRp60yrI/edit?usp=sharing

Wednesday -change of plans - We are beginning a non fiction unit of study - students picked out new books in the library today. Tonight book clubs read for 20 minutes in book club or independent reading book and 20 minutes on non-fiction - If a topic hasn't been selected - spend 20 minutes brainstorming new topics for research! Talk with your family about your topic of research.

Thursday - Out of Eden Learn Footstep 5 - Documenting the Everyday - finish post and respond to two other posts. Use the format and the toolkit to shape your response See this link or the website for more info. https://docs.google.com/a/sacoschools.org/document/d/13KFTjTEyKzGoC6HiuYeWEqMv3pe6SNuXgDx0yX2vfMQ/edit?usp=sharing

Also book club readers who have finished posting, should read for 45 minutes. We are going to be starting a non fiction unit and we want to wrap up these clubs! More soon on how we will manage reading in the coming weeks.

Home Learning 11/27 to 12/1


Conduct Home Interview (was to be done over break - see below) and/or type up your interview in Google Docs. If the interview work takes less than 45 minutes be sure to type it up if you can and then read as stated below.

Reading (if you have finished interview) 30 minutes with a 15 minute response. What are you noticing about the author's craft in your book, that is helping you develop your idea about theme? Remember: author's craft can include metaphors, slowing down for tension, exact dialogue, precise details (5 senses), flashbacks.


A love letter to your brain.

Use this link to help you frame your own poem. Get creative don't use the same exact format or even the same exact words. Use it to prompt you to think about all the things your brain lets you do. What do you enjoy everyday due to your marvelous brain? What are some experiences you've cherished due to your fabulous brain.


Tonight we are to continue reading in our book club books - we are reading and noticing author's craft. Read for 30 minutes and write about the author's specific use of craft techniques. List the page you found this work on within your book and copy the words the author used. Here is a brief list of what you can include: precise word choice, dialogue, metaphors, five senses or notice your own.


Writing choice -

45 minute freestyle - 45 minutes should yield a great first draft or allow for a first draft and revisions. Log when you began writing at the top of the document and when your finished.

Graphic story (must have story arc) include setting, dialogue and plot - graphics are an add on

Essay - something you've wanted to write about - an opinion piece perhaps - Include your reasons about why you think the way you do

Song lyrics - what would you want to sing about - use one of your favorite songs as an example - do something similar the way we did with the love letter to our brains. Make it a rap, a country song or a pop song - your choice

Poetry - continue writing love letters to your brain - work on edits, additions or an entire new version.

Write a new personal story (narrative) - must have a story arc, include setting, dialogue and plot - think about voice. Write like you are talking to someone. Use 3 Y's to guide you. Why is this an important story, why would someone else relate, why would the story be understood around the world. Is the theme something other cultures would understand.

Amaze us all with something new, fresh and unique - something we haven't explored yet.

Home Learning Week of Thanksgiving

Monday - Choice reading for 45 minutes

Tuesday through the break- Over the break students will be interviewing a family member or a family friend. See details below.

As part of our social studies exploration, we are learning about Paul Salopek, the National Geographic reporter, who is walking around the world, listening to people as they tell their stories. We have read about many of the people he has met.

Now it’s your turn to try out your skills at listening and to share a new story with your walking partners.

  • Your task this week is to talk and listen to an adult who lives or works in your local area. It can be a family member or a family friend. It does not need to be someone who has lived in the area for a long time.
  • Ask the person for a story or memory about your local area. For example, how did they come to be in this place? How have they seen the area change over the years? What are some of their memories about the area? Do any particular events in the area stand out in their mind?
  • Write up the highlights of your conversation or recreate a story that they told you. Include a short description of the person you talked with – for example, how you know them, the setting where you talked, what they look like, and what they were wearing. Do not include the person’s first and last name. For example, you can write, I talked with my uncle or my family friend Sarah.
  • This entry should be two paragraphs in lengths. The first paragraph is the introduction detailing who you talked with and the setting. The second paragraph will include the answers to the questions you asked.
  • Please post this in google docs or write it up to then add to our conversations with other schools on Monday the 27th of November.

Home Learning for the week November 13-17

Monday - Reading (preparing for a book club discussion - see Reading notebook)

Tuesday - rewriting my piece to be published. Try a new beginning and identify the story arc of the narrative.

Wednesday - Reading - (30 minutes) Compare and Contrast Characters - you may do this in your reading notebook or in google docs. Please write about the Similarities and Differences of your character (your current book) and another book that you have read. Name the character and the book in your response

Thursday - writing a flashback - see writer's notebook. Insert a flashback that illuminates the important meaning of the story.

Home Learning for the week of Nov 6-9

November 6 and November 8th reading and writing about our reading. See links (these links are always visible to students with sacoschools.org accounts). If a student is logged into google drive they will be able to access the home learning links.


November 7 - Writing revising my narrative using the checklist. See link


November 8 - Read two chapters of Wish (see handout) use the chart in your reading notebook or folder to help you write about the author's craft. Use this prompt to help shape your writing.

When reading Chpts. 21 and 22, please explain in writing how one part that you identified is important to the whole story, remember to:

  • name the story element(s) highlighted in this part of the story
  • use literary language to explain how this part or story element is important to the whole story
  • discuss how this part begins to develop an idea or theme that will be important in the story.

This should be two paragraphs at the minimum! Extra points for more!

Home Learning for the week of Halloween and November 1st and 2nd.

October 31st - Are you kidding? What kind of teacher would assign home learning on Halloween. Be on the lookout for good stories and scenes that lend themselves to writing.

November 1st - Finish Book Club Book - jot down scenes you want to discuss with book club members

November 2nd - Selecting a story to re: draft. See this link https://docs.google.com/a/sacoschools.org/document/d/1mb4EyKMGCl4LPZqwbbfbsJq_9O5SzF03fFGzBpM-zag/edit?usp=sharing

Home learning for the week of October 23-27

Monday - reading followed by response. READ FOR 30 AND WRITE FOR 15 https://docs.google.com/a/sacoschools.org/document/d/1Xl_s0lfaQ-P6yjybLpsLy1FoldGW-McE_QxjKOd-y-4/edit?usp=sharing


Wednesday reading followed by response. READ FOR 30 AND WRITE FOR 15


Thursday - 45 minute writing session

Techniques for Raising the Level of Narrative Writing - Tonight for home learning - I want to hear your voice - tell the story using language that sounds like you. Try writing a new piece that really reflects your sense of humor, your love of something, your moment of (fill in the blank).

• Tell the story from inside it.

• Use details that are true to the event and that ring true.

Home Learning for the Week of October 16-20

If you are in a Book Club - read for 30 minutes each night and then do one of the following writing prompts.

If you have not been assigned a book club book, please read independently on Monday and Wednesday for 30 minutes. Record in your planner the number of pages read. Then write for 15 minutes. On each night of this week we will focus on writing. Tuesday and Thursday will be fully devoted to writing (45 minutes). See the prompts in the writing folder and here http://literacyteacher.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/100-Writing-Prompts.pdf

Writing should be done in the writing notebook or in google docs. Please date each new entry.

Home Learning for the Week of October 10-13

You can assist your child by - asking them to read the assigned learning aloud (from their planner) and having them explain what is expected. I have been printing out copies of the assignment, asking students to bring home their reading folder and or writing notebook. In some cases folks can't get the links to work, the internet to connect, etc. Due to the nature of these issues (real life is full of them) , I am explaining the assignment in detail, asking students to bring things home to assist while providing the webpage as a back up. When faced with an outage or a connection issue, know that the assignment has ALWAYS been explained, printed copies have been handed out and the assignment written down in planner. It is my hope to ask students to access their long term memory in an effort to recall the learning done in school.

Research indicates that 'google brain' is a thing. It is important to wire all the pathways for long term memory and higher thinking (without the internet).

And when all that fails, every student knows they can make their best attempt over 45 minutes to do what they believed was discussed in class and turn that in!

Tuesday - Write a letter of thanks to one of our classroom visitors or helpers (Don Castle, Ann Smith or Miss Tori). Include all five parts of a letter. (Date, Greeting, Body, Closing and Signature) This should be in final draft form.

Remember first words in a paragraph are indented. Body paragraph should have at least 4 sentences. More than one paragraph or more than 4 sentences is work that is above and beyond and illustrates not only your learning and appreciation but the desire to do your best.

If you finish early (before 45 minutes) please work on finishing your map or your story for OOEL (see last week)


If you did not write a letter last evening, please do so on Wednesday evening. Adjust the minutes of reading accordingly. All letters and reading responses (both are due tomorrow if unfinished from last evening) can be in the writer's notebook or on google docs.

30 Minutes of Reading - with a written response (see handout in reading folder or click here ) https://docs.google.com/a/sacoschools.org/document/d/1KTf-dOS1BvqiE9m3qE0Cc_5VZ21carM8ahzyHmjAj7A/edit?usp=sharing


Change of Home Learning - tonight's writing will be in response to Out of Eden. See below - Students should write their response in Google Docs or in their writing notebook.

Interact with Your Walking Partners

Now it’s time to explore other people’s maps and stories!

  • Read at least 4 posts from other young people in your walking party.
  • Choose one person who is not from your class or program.
  • Look at his or her neighborhood map post slowly and carefully. What is interesting or thought provoking about the map and its story? What catches your eye and makes you want to learn more?
  • Write a comment in which you use the following dialogue tools:
    • NOTICE: What stands out to you or catches your eye in this map? What do you notice?
    • APPRECIATE: Share what you like, value, or find interesting in the map and story. Be specific.
    • PROBE: Ask questions that might help you understand more about the student’s map or the story you are trying to tell. Use these “Creative Question Starters” to help you think of interesting questions:
      • “Tell me more about…”
      • “I wonder if…”
      • “Help me understand…”
  • Respond: Return to your own map and to your Setting Off post. Respond to any comments made by your walking partners. Try to keep the conversation going.

Home Learning for the Week of October 2-6

Monday Oct 2, 2017 - Read three of Paul Salopek's Milestones from the learn.outofeden.com website. You can access that by logging in (see your planner for information) and then going to Footstep 2. Make notes in your writing notebook about the mile marker and what you noticed in the post. Some of the words may be difficult for you but good readers of non fiction can use picture captions to help them understand even if the language is difficult. There are also audio files you can listen too. The entry in your writer's notebook can look like this: Include the Milestone Number and the mile total

Milestone 14 - The Empty - Mile 1300

I noticed that Paul didn't have anyone to talk to here. It must have been lonely. He says he didn't meet anyone on foot for 6 miles.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Make a map of your neighborhood detailing places where stories may have happened. Begin to write a story that took place in your neighborhood. See footstep 2 on Out of Eden Learn for examples.

or read this below

The purpose of this activity is for you to think about your own relationship to a place. It is also a chance for you to share more about yourself!

  • Sketch a map of your neighborhood or local area, as you see it through your eyes. This map does not have to be "accurate" or similar to other maps that exist. You can draw this map on paper and then scan it or photograph it to upload to the site. Or, you can draw it electronically – for example through Doodle Buddy or PaintBox. Do not use Google Maps or a similar online mapping service to represent your neighborhood.
  • Write a true story to go with your map. If you like, you can record yourself telling a story and upload an audio file instead of writing it down. Your story could involve:
    • The whole map or one special place that is featured on your map.
    • A memory of something that happened to you when you were younger in one of the places on your map.
    • A typical day in your life that features places marked on your map.
    • A story about your neighborhood that you have heard from someone else – it could be a story that happened before you were born.
    • How your neighborhood has changed over time.




Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Read independently for 40 minutes - in your planner record the number of pages read as you read take notice of the places where you are visualizing (making a movie in your head) sketch the scene you would like to share with others during our reading time.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Finish your final draft of your story in Google drive for sharing on the Out of Eden Learn site.