
Callie-Corn and YiYa slice of life 6


My Calliecorn and Yiya oh they look so sweet but when I turn around there gone on there two feet Oh where oh where did my Callie and Yiya go I look outside from the window and there they are naked in the snow! Even know I love my sisters very I still yet wonder who there going to marry he might be very scary he might be kind of hairy and what if he’s fairy!

Anyways that’s enough of that

I bring them to the door and they wait on the doormat

Later in the day I tuck my sisters in

I tell them I love them

And I leave with a grin.

slice of life day 5

Hi my name is mr. Plumper-Nickleson-bobber. I am the first cat to go to the moon. My very annoying brother dogsunpuppersinkle died on the moon because he took off his helmet off.

I was going to have a party for that but my mom said that I couldn't or she would dunk me underwater. Oh and by the way I am a boy. Going to the moon is a very difficult process I couldn’t bring any chicken or fish and I couldn’t even bring plain ol’ cat food! I had to bring hard hard astronaut cat food and it tasted absolutely disgusting. So instead I ate astronaut strawberry ice cream. Don’t tell but I am lactose intolerant and so a couple minutes there was sticky green and other color stuff flying all over the place. Also I didn’t know how to go to the bathroom because I was not paying attention in astronaut school so there was also other…uh...nevermind see you next time.

Slice Of Life Day 4

What words can you make with the name Charlotte?



Hat Roar

Rat Tool

Tot Coal

Lot To

Hare At

Car Eat



Slice Of Life (day two)

Slice of life Day 3 Chuck It List

Things I hate




- When people don’t capitalize the I…

Things I like



- My family

- Food

-More cats.

Things I hate so much I will chuck it across the universe







One sunny day, me my friend Christine and her brother took a walk in the dark/ish woods. They called it a name but I don’t remember. It was wet outside because it had just rained. We were just going to go to the tree that had fell over and we were going to climb on. But then we looked in the CREEPY woods and we were just going to take a small walk to the little fireplace in the woods and then…”Wow! Look at that! PATHS!” we said. “Let’s take it!” We saw a path called “Abigail lane” we were freaked out... But we didn’t scream because we didn’t want to get in trouble if it was a private property (I mean it didn’t say it was a private property or anything so we just went in) we walked further and saw a couple more paths until…”Knom island” “AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” we all screamed...we ran and ran and ran and ran… and then we got to moose tracks lane and we were…LOST.

Suddenly, “Wait! I think I remember how to get back!” so we all followed me (Charlotte)