
Slice of life Five

One day my brother Robert told me that my mom and dad have a job today “Mom and Dad are going to leave so lets start on our room” “alright then” me and Robert walk to our room we all have out parts Aiden picks up the trash and makes the bed and Robert picks up the big things on the ground and I do the rest what’s on the floor. It always gets dirty in our room my Mom and Dad leaves to “WORK” so after we cleaned our room we grabbed our phone but Robert went to our room with a controller I walk in with my phone and I see him playing Fortnite I say “Really this is the 5th time you have played fortnite play your phone or something?, and how are you addicted to Fortnite?” “I don’t know I just like it LOL” he actually yelled that out at me “all right” my other brother Gabriel tells me about “Rules of survival it’s amazing it’s like fortnite and we can join each other!” “ok? And?” “lets play with each other we might get a win!” “alright then” I download the game “it’s done downloading” “ok add me by scanning this code!” “Ok” *Scan’s code* “there wow your name is jauntheswan really” “Ya lol” “ok” “did you change my name when you had my phone or something?” “No you put that name in” “oh wow lol” We join a match together “I see someone!” “were?!” “in the barn” “ ok” here take this rubber chicken” “ok why do they have this in the game wow” “I know” “get him with the rubber chicken!” “OK ok” *gasp* I got him down!” “Nice!” “hit him” “ok” *kill’s other player* “yay I got a kill!” “thanks!” “I'm gonna play a duo’s match” “all right then”


Slice of life two

It was tuesday march 6 2018 it was a normal day until my brothers lost my mom's battery charger and her back piece to her controller and she said “no ones playing until the battery charger and my Back pierce is found” “argh come on” I said. and it was tuesday I had wrestling practice we all start to look for my moms stuff she was at work and we had our phones to have flashlights my brother was sneaking in my moms room and playing his phone even tho we all were grounded but he still did and my older brother jay caught him so he got his phone taken away “a few minutes later” my dad checks his phone and it said from my couch “practice is at 4:00 and ends at 6:00 and it was 5:47” “HAHAHA! Wow practice is at 5:00 and its 5:47 OMG you guys missed practice” I said joyful in my head “YES THANK LORD” cause I didn't want to go to practice and cause I was already exhausted. “ two hours past” my dad said “i'm going to get mom clean up in here” “ok” after the living room was done I went to eat dinner It was hot dogs and I enjoyed it very much it was good. my mom came home and she was upset she told us “did you eat dinner?” “ya” “ok now get to bed you're in trouble” “ok” I got a little upset because she said we all were grounded so I start to fall asleep Then Aiden gets up to get some water at midnight and the brothers were still up. And he said to them “did you find mom’s stuff yet?” They said back “ya and get back to bed” “Fine” he gets back in the bed “The next morning” “Adrian” I could barely hear Aiden saying my name “ADRIAN!” “what?” “Jay and gabriel found moms stuff!” “Ok” “and were aloud to play our phones now” I zoom from the bed and grab my phone and then I started to play my phone

The end

slice of life day one


I think about my family one time my brother aiden and my mom and Dad planned to take Aiden out and prank me cause I love my twin brother and if he ever went missing I would be crying by then also at the end of the day I said to myself where’s Aiden? Then my BUS starts to move I’m like “OMG Aiden missed the bus” and I actually cried on the bus cause he was gone! I was so sad at that moment I was freaking out then a kid on my bus says “it’s happened to me before to!” I hide my sad face from everyone I go to my dad saying “Aiden missed the bus somehow” my dad knew were Aiden was cause he was at our house When I come back to my house I say “Aiden missed the bus!” Mom says to aiden before I get into the house she tells Aiden to hide in the bathroom and Mom tells me “you should have his classroom you responsible for this!” “It was the second call for my bus I had to head down and he's usually always down before me!” My dad says “why didn't you go to his classroom!” “his class was all the way down to the other stairs and I couldn't run all the way over there to his classroom!” my dad says “what's Aidens teachers name?” ”Ms,Corioliss” my mom comes in and says “Just kidding!” I put my head in my arm crying Aiden walks in standing by my T.V and he sees me crying and told my mom hes crying my mom says “aww” I give my brother Aiden a hug and my dad said “he was that worried wow!” then the day went on from there!