Family of 4

Post date: Mar 1, 2014 9:31:15 PM

My family is very funny, and they don't even know it. The way they talk, walk, mock and more. As a Family we love to watch the show The Middle. It stars Patricia Heaton (Everyone Loves Raymond). Its an amazing show about a family, not a perfect family, but a family like your and mine.

Every summer we go to Blue Mountain, its a family tradition. We stay for 2 days, but the summer of grade 5 we went to Owen Sound instead. It was fun. My parents say its because I "graduated" from Elementary.

We like to go to Ajax where my cousin lives. It use to be a family tradition to go there every weekend. It got tiring, I mean wouldn't you get tired of going to the same place and talking about the same thing every weekend. But, Now we hardly meet them.

Anyways, Keep reading to find out more about my amazing family.!!!