Social/Political Hands

This assignment was to create a 3D design using plaster hands that was your response to a social or political issue of your choice. I wanted to make mine about the wage gap and how I believe that women and men should be paid equally for the work that they do. After making my plaster hands I painted one blue and one pink to represent the stereotypes that men and women are still living up to and attached them to a white background on which I painted the words "Equal Work, Equal Pay". Next, I put the same amount of money in both of the hands and painted an equals sign inbetween them to show what I want the future to be. My ideas really didn't evolve much as I was working on it because I really had my idea right from the get-go, although i'm not particularly proud of the way that it all turned out in the end and I feel like I could have done a little better to make sure that everything looked a little cleaner and more put together.