Final Reflection

Relief Portrait

February 27th

Wearable Sculpture

March 13th

Political Hands Sculpture

March 24th

Look Inside Sculpture

April 7th

Mainah Sculpture

April 27th

Bust Sculpture

June 7th

Concentration Sculptures

June 16th

Final Reflection: I came into 3D design with a relatively positive outlook, I had really enjoyed 2D and I was excited to try out something new... I was confident in my ability to pull off an A and continuously turn in my work on time. That positivity continued throughout first project (the relief sculpture) I really liked what I had made and the process was fun! The next project turned out to be a little bit more difficult, we had to actually create something without starting with a piece of paper and I realized I hated that... I didn't know where to go with it and the freedom was overwhelming. Because of this working in class was a mental struggle for me and I admittedly slacked off in class, that obviously hindered my ability to hand it in on time and then when the zero became a reality I rushed to finish it and was thoroughly disappointed in the outcome. This theme continued on for the rest of the semester, and as I got more discouraged with myself the quality of my work dwindled even more. To the point of my last project of the year being wholeheartedly embarrassing. All in all I realized that 3D design is not something that I have the patience or inspiration to work with and I am sad to say that my sophomore art career had to end on this note.

3D art final.mp4