Relief Portrait

Relief Portrait: The assignment for this piece was to create a three dimensional portrait of someone, using things that are meaningful to them. I chose to do myself using cut up excerpts of creative writing that I did last year in english class, because not only do I love words, stories, and telling them I also love english and when I grow up I hope to teach it myself. Besides excerpts of writing, I used sturdy black paper, foamcore, and glue to create this relief. I started off by glueing the pieces of writing to to the black paper because at first I thought I thought I was gonna make it 3D in a different way, but as I was working I got a better idea of what I wanted to do so I cut out the pieces and placed them on the foam core on top of the black paper so they stuck out a little and created the dimensions I wanted/needed. I am actually quite proud of the way this turned out and I'm glad I made the artistic decisions I did because for the majority of the time I spent working on this I was not happy with it. But if I was to revise it in the future I would probably add some color either to the white or black.