Find Your Voice Prints

For this assignment we were supposed to choose a topic/theme that we felt strongly about and wanted to share our personal opinions on through a block print. This piece was a block print so I used ink on paper, and then used watercolor in some of the negative space for the second one. I chose to put the words inside the stereotypical women's bathroom sign, my mind inside the head, my body inside the torso, and my choice closer to the bottom, because that's what made the most sense to me as the artist and i felt like it would be the most clear way to get the message across to the people looking at this print. I had a pretty clear idea of what this project would look like finished from the very beginning, but I did struggle a lot with printing clearly onto the paper so I had to figure out how to use that to my advantage. I chose to focus on my strong belief that women are in charge of their own bodies and absolutely reserve the right to decide what happens to it, I have never been in a situation where I personally felt that this right was being threatened but I have heard too many stories and warnings growing up to not consider this a very, very important topic to bring attention to. These prints could have been stronger if i had a little more time to try and figure out the actual printing process and made the prints darker and more opaque.