Look Inside Sculpture

For this assignment we were supposed to create a sculpture that, when you looked inside had something else inside of it. I chose to create a box wrapped in a ribbon, to give the illusion of a gift, with a human heart inside. I was inspired by the idea of "giving away your heart" or some piece of yourself to someone else. I made the box out of foam core, which I cut and glued together and covered in red construction paper, then i tied a purple ribbon around the top of the box. On the inside of the box I placed newspaper which i dripped red paint on to represent blood and then placed the heart, which I made out of sculpey, on top of it. This message relates to my life because even though i've never really experienced the feelings that go along with truly giving a piece of yourself away to someone else and trusting them with it, it is a concept that I find intriguing and have watched happen to people I care about. This idea came to me as soon as the project was assigned so it hasn't really evolved all that much, but i have kept on adding concepts like the "for you" on the top of the box and the blood on the inside. All around I am not as proud of this as I probably could be but I do like it quite a lot.