
1st concentration: ELI

2nd concentration: MADELAINE

For this assignment we were supposed to create a mini concentration of two pieces with the same theme. I chose to sort of continue a piece that I did earlier in the year which was a portrait relief of myself. So for this concentration I did one peice of my little brother and one of my friend Madelaine. For both of these pieces I started with a plain black ground on foam core and then used paper to bring out the highlights on their faces. For my first one I used printed out excerpts of newspaper articles about baseball and the red sox because that is one of the things that my brother really loves and I consider that I really important part of his life. For my second concentration I used my old bio notes from the first semester because Madelaine is a very academically motivated person and science, specifically biology is something she is really interested in wants to pursue in her life after high school. All in all I am very disappointed in my work on this project and I feel like I could have done much better if I had managed my time better and put a little bit more effort into it.