
This subject of this creation is a self portrait but with a twist. You have to use your signature for shading and your lines. The setting is me in the white room. I think the setting was really good for this project because it gave good value. I used all grafite for this work. I used a wide variety of different shaded pencils, and that really helped matching the value in the original picture. This artwork was composed/arranged by gridding. Gridding really helped me with proportions, and different shading helped my this drawing pop, verse look flat; but work still needs to be done.

Some composition rules and techniques shown in this drawing are, a good range of value, a different style of shading. Shading really came into play around the left jaw line, my jacket, and the background. This project evolved drastically. I first started with a strait line outline, and then moved the some light shading, and then darker shading really matching how it looked in its photo.