Global Warming

The subject of this creation was global warming. I described the setting by making a melting ice berg in the middle of an ocean with a penguin stranded on it. This piece was made with colored pencil. I first started with drawing the ice berge, then the penguin since they were the main part of this drawing. I then went of to coloring the water, and drawing the suns. Then followed up by drawing the rays and sky. I chose to do this drawing because when I was reading through the topics I could have picked; when I came across global warming, this idea popped right into my head.

One composition rule that thin sticks out in this piece is value. I have the dark blue water around the white ice berge. The rays of the sun aligned with the light blue sky. And the rays themselves start darked and slowly fade into a lighter orange/ yellow. I think this project evolved a lot over the corse of this drawing. I first just had the rays going half way down the paper with no orange in it. I continued the rays down to the bottom of the paper and added orange to it. After that I added to blue sky in the background. I made the ocean a more solid blue, and added splashes of water next to the top of the ice berge.