Quarter Review

In the beginning of this class I didn't know much about taking pictures. I had my stepsister take (she loves photography). Now I pay more attention to lighting and angle. Seeing other people's work has helped me improve on mine because I see different lighting, angles, and ideas when I see their work. An assignment I feel was the strongest is the multiplicity project. This is because I thought it was really easy. I struggled a little bit in the beginning. After I got help i was fine and finished quickly. The assignment I feel was my weakest was the Portrait Transformation because I didn't understand how to edit it even with help. If I could redo the assignment, I would choose a different photo for my second edit because it didn't look very good with the background. I also would have made the edit in color because I took it during the sunset.

This photo is from the Portrait Transformation project. The background image is from a tree in North Conway, New Hampshire. The picture of me was taken in the light room. I combined the two photos and made it so you could see the background through the first picture. I also turned the picture of me darker after turning the whole picture black and white. I like this picture because it looks simple and complicated at the same time.

This photo is from the Artist Inspired photos. It is a simple picture of a plant. Editing the photo, I cropped and change some of the coloring. I like this photo because like Jin Lee, it's simple with not a lot going on but if you really think it could be a story.

This picture is from the pattern, texture and detail project. I like this picture because it looks like a value strip; light to dark. Editing this photo, it was originally the side of my house and all the boards were about the same color but i was messing around with the contrast and such and I ended up with this and I thought it looked super cool.

This photo was from the Digital Composition. It was taken from my hotel room in Boston . I didn't have photoshop available to me while I was editing this so I used the adjusting tools in photos. I like this photo because right when we got to our room, I noticed the view.

This photo is also from the DIgital Composition. I went on vacation during this time and found this sign I thought looked cool. I went in Photos and played with the sales. Nothing really changed because the photo was so dark but it had some differences. I like this photo because it has the angle up that captures the whole sign.

This photo is from the Digital Composition too. It is an angle up and leading line photo I took while driving around in Boston. The photo doesn't have much edits, that's just how the photo came out. However, I did make the background a little darker. I like the photo because it's simple and clean.