Final Reflection

Beautiful Oops September 9

Time Capsule September 13

Lichtenstein Square September 19

Extended Blind Contour September 27

Designs and space October 5

Pure Contour October 13

Abstract Shoe October 17

Selfie Still Life October 25

Perspective drawing October 31

Candy still life November 14

Mixed Media December 1

Self Portrait December 16

Art History January 13

Color Study February 7

Color Design March 6

Surrealist painting and collage March 21

Social issue linoleum prints April 4

Scratchboard April 24

Wire sculpture May 8

Animal assemblage sculpture May 24

Independent project June 12

Overall I improved a lot as an artist over the course of this class. I learned a lot of new techniques this year, including cross hatching, burnishing and blending. I learned how to use new materials, like charcoal, ink and linoleum. I really enjoyed using new materials this year. My favorite projects were the mixed media photo realistic image and the linoleum print for a social issue. On both of these project, I used materials that I had never used before. I also used new techniques on these projects; I used blending with charcoal and cross hatching with ink for the mixed media image.

Some things I struggled with over the course of this year the scratchboard and the color study drawing. I had a hard time with the scratchboard because I had trouble making the lines the right depth, on some I went too deep and it tore the scratchboard. The color study project was also challenging because it took a really long time to blend the pastels to make the exact color I needed. Another project that was challenging was the animal assemblage sculpture. My armature was not solid enough, so it was very hard to layer the construction paper on it because the armature was not flat.

Foundations of Art final.mp4

Sorry, this link should have the public video
