Artist Inspired Project

For my artist inspired project, I was inspired by Mike Cinelli's work. I was inspired by how he is able to make something out of clay that looks like it's made with metal. I made a mug and tried to imitate his style, making the mug appear to be made out of metal. I did this by making clay rivets that I attached to the mug, to make it look as if the rivets are holding it together. I also used a needle tool to make a crack down the length of the pot, and put a slab of clay over it, then added rivets on the corners of the slab, like the slab was a metal patch holding the mug together.

I glazed the slab with a yellow underglaze, and black on the rivets to make them stand out from the blue I used on the rest of the mug. I applied an iron colored stain, then wiped it off, so it would stay in all of the cracks in the clay, to make it look like rusting metal. Finally, I used a clear semi-matte glaze over the entire mug. I wanted to use a semi matte glaze instead of a potter's choice glaze so it wouldn't look too shiny.