Spirit Organizations

Marching Band

The Fighting Trojan Band performs at all ASH football games on the field during halftime and in the stands during the game. The band also participates in District and State level competitions throughout the year, as well as school pep rallies and other events. 


The Troydolls are Alexandria Senior High's competitive dance team. The Troydolls are an elite group of dancers who perform at every ASH football game. ASH Troydolls also perform at dance competitions as high as the national level, such as the 2019 American All-Star Championship where the Troydolls became the 2019 United States Dance/Drill team Champions.


The ASH cheerleaders perform at football and basketball games thought the year. They also participate in pep rallies and compete in cheer competitions across the country. 


Pomline is a precursor to cheer and dance line, and consists of freshman who aspire to be spirit leaders. Pomline performs at pep rallies and football games. 

Flag Line

Flag Line is a spirit organization that performs at football games and pep rallies alongside the band. Flag Line is often invited to march in parades and perform exhibitions of their routine. ASH students love the flare the Flag Line brings to our school spirit!