
Experience Academic Excellence

ASH students actively shape their academic program. The high school curriculum begins with everything you would expect in a college preparatory high school—literature and history surveys, biology, chemistry, physics, algebra, calculus, geometry, language. 

But ASH takes it a step further. We offer our students exceptional educational opportunities and ask them to dig deep, think critically and commit themselves to fully pursuing their intellectual passions both inside and outside the classroom.

ASH's educational approach is student-centered. By understanding how each child learns best, our teachers help students identify their passions and take on new challenges.

ASH students love learning. They are encouraged to do, to create, to try, and to fail. The focus is on the process, which helps students build resilience, remain intrinsically motivated, and succeed.

At ASH, you will feel at home.

One thing we hear students and alumni say is that ASH feels like a second home. This sense of belonging begins in the classroom and extends to athletics, clubs, and activities. Two qualities our faculty and staff share are an unmistakable belief in our students and a commitment to ensuring that everyone feels successful. The relationships that students build with each other, their teachers, coaches, counselors, and administrators are at the heart of the ASH experience.